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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته - صفحه 13
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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته

بازدید : 161
يکشنبه 19 دی 1400 زمان : 10:43

The most famous pistachio cultivars in Iran are: Akbari, Koleghoochi, pistachio shell Ahmad Aghaei, Ouhadi, and

Other cultivars include: Badami Zarand, Mumtaz, Khanjari Damghan, Shah Pasand, Sefid Pistachio Nogh and Qazvini.

1- Akbari: one of the commercial cultivars of pistachio that has the highest economic value. Fruit

Its almonds are elongated and large. Characteristics of this cultivar are its high vegetative growth with

Dense leaves, large leaf area, high yield, late flowering and late ripening and in the third decade

September can be harvested.

2- Koleghoochi: Hazelnut fruit with a large shape and good performance of this cultivar causes fame and expansion

It has been. This cultivar is sensitive to water and nutrient deficiencies and the majority of leaves

Its leaves are 5 leaflets and the terminal leaflet is larger than the lateral leaflets.

It is an early flowering figure and is therefore more at risk of late spring frosts

The damage caused by it. This figure can be withdrawn in the second decade of September and from

This opinion is one of the average clay cultivars.

3- Ahmad Aghaei: One of the characteristics of this cultivar is the large white skin of almond fruit

Its bony pointed. Most of its leaves are trifoliate. Medium digit

It is a flower and can be harvested in the third decade of September and is classified as a late cultivar.

4- Ouhadi: This cultivar is suitable for most pistachio-growing areas of the country, the majority of its leaves are three.

It is a leaflet and its terminal leaflet is larger than the lateral leaflets. Medium digit

It is a flower and can be harvested in the first decade of September and in this respect it is one of the early cultivars.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 76
شنبه 18 دی 1400 زمان : 10:32

He mentioned the holding of cultural and pistachio shell artistic weeks of Rafsanjan city in other provinces and cities of the country and the holding of Rafsanjan cultural week in Kurdistan in May of this year.

They also mentioned the holding of a story and pistachio festival at the national level and the pistachio festival at the national level, as well as the festival of pistachio tribes in the near future in Rafsanjan.

He considered the growth of cultural characteristics in any society as the biggest step in the growth of economic and social indicators and the joint project of Rafsanjan Municipality and Rafsanjan Kavir Diamond Tile Company and Rafsanjan Islamic Culture and Guidance Office to produce works by two Rafsanjan artists per day The wedding of those loved ones spoke on the tile, which caused interest in other cities and their art centers, and they tried to produce it with the cooperation of Rafsanjan Diamond Tile.

They also demanded the collection of old artifacts, tools and agricultural implements regarding the planting and exploitation of pistachios and sending them to the Pistachio Museum in the near future.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 111
چهارشنبه 15 دی 1400 زمان : 10:28

How pistachio trees pistachio shell reproduce

Pistachio tree is propagated by grafting. Professional pistachio growers use a tree that combines two different textures, a base or a scion. The base is the lowest part of the pistachio tree and forms the root system.

Base resistance to soil diseases (such as verticillium wilt) is very important. The scion is located 20 to 40 cm above the main stem, the place where the growth and fruiting phase of the tree changes, and of course determines the characteristics of the fruit.

Both the base and the scion must be carefully selected, each of which may lead to poor yield. These scions are grafted on after the roots are planted in pistachio orchards.

In the United States, Kerman cultivar is the most popular female cultivar, which is mostly pollinated by male Randy cultivars. Pioneer Gold 1 and UCB-1 are hybrid hybrid bases that are very popular due to their Verticillium wilt resistance.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 108
سه شنبه 14 دی 1400 زمان : 10:26

The damage of this disease varies from 1 to 20% depending on pistachio shell the conditions, which depends on the severity of the disease, tillage operations, how to irrigate and the ratio of the number of dried trees per year to healthy trees in the same year. However, the economic value of the contaminated garden is drastically reduced, which is irreparable.

On the other hand, cultivating in infected orchards also costs a lot, and cultivated trees are also endangered and will disappear as soon as they enter the economic production cycle of the crop. The life cycle of the pathogen is still not well defined in the pistachio growing areas of the country.

The disease-causing species produce vegetative and reproductive reproductive organs on the surfaces of infected tissues that germinate in suitable conditions and actively create new infections by flooding or water-saturated soil by swimming.

This may explain how trees dry one row after another, with roots in adjacent trees in a row below the soil surface in close proximity to or in contact with each other.

However, inactive transmission of the pathogen in a garden occurs through incorrect tillage, irrigation water, pouring soil around infected trees between rows, transfer of infected soil to gardens and contamination of agricultural implements and tools.

It should be noted that inactive transfer can transport the fungus up to kilometers. Disease damage is severe in heavy and poorly drained soils. Disease management Various methods have been proposed for the management of diseases caused by Phytophthora in infected areas or gardens, but the greatest emphasis is on the use of resistant and preventive cultivars.

Unfortunately, the use of resistant rootstocks for this disease in pistachios has not been practiced so far. However, research indicates the existence of resistance sources in a number of pistachio rootstocks or cultivars.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 237
دوشنبه 13 دی 1400 زمان : 10:29

Application of pheromone in integrated management of pistachio pistachio shell wood-eating moth

Pistachio wood-eating moth is one of the key pests of pistachio trees in Iran. This pest did not cause much damage in pistachio orchards before 1350, but the indiscriminate use of chemical insecticides, especially in March to May, and over the years weakened and eliminated the natural enemies of this pest.

As a result, the pest freely increased its population and entered non-infected areas. At present, the pistachio wood-eating butterfly is spread in all pistachio growing areas of Iran.

This insect has one generation per year and spends the winter as a full larva inside the branches. In late winter, the full larvae emerge by making holes in the branches and pupate in the right place.

Before hatching, the larvae form a pyramidal cocoon around themselves and the cocoons form on the underside of the branches.

After a few weeks, full-grown insects emerge and, after mating, lay their eggs on the young shoots of the same year at the junction of the petiole with the twig or cluster axis.

Pest damage includes feeding from the axis of the spikes, seed shedding as well as dryness of the branches as a result of feeding and digging the canal inside the head of the branch.

In the case of clusters, feeding on the pest causes the vessels to rupture, resulting in the drying of unripe fruits. After that, the larva enters the wood of the branch and by digging the channel inside the branch, it stops its growth and dryness.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 86
يکشنبه 12 دی 1400 زمان : 10:29

For this purpose, plastic bags with a height of 25 to 30 cm are used. pistachio shell The higher the height of the plastic bags (30 cm or more), the better for the seedlings to grow. Because the growing environment in the pot is limited and plants such as those grown on the farm and in the garden can not grow their roots and naturally Use soil nutrients. To prepare the plant needs, the soil inside the plastic bags is selected from a mixture of one to two parts sand and one part loam and one part manure or rotten leaf soil.

Transfer of pistachio seedlings to agricultural land:

The soil in which the seedlings are to be planted should be dug a hole 60 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter and filled with soil and manure. Pistachio seedlings should be planted in a pit so that the crown (the distance between the root and the stem) is at ground level.

If the crown of the plant sinks into the soil, it may rot or be attacked by crown rot fungi (gum). If the crown is placed above the soil, the part of the root that has been exposed to the air will be destroyed. After placing the seedlings in the pit, press the soil around the seedlings to allow the plant to settle. Seedlings should be irrigated immediately after transplanting.

Many farmers do not pay much attention to proper irrigation of pistachio seedlings after planting. Irrigation of pistachio seedlings should begin immediately after planting and continue with periods of up to 7 days in the first year. In the second year, the irrigation period is gradually changed to once every 14 days, and if there is enough water until the seedlings are transplanted, the seedlings are irrigated with the same period.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 76
شنبه 11 دی 1400 زمان : 11:52

What are the benefits of dried strawberry fruits? Esophageal pistachio shell cancer is the third most common cancer in the gastrointestinal tract, which is why eating strawberries is so important and necessary for this type of person. This fruit can be eaten frozen or dried. Consumption of strawberries has a great effect on slowing down the cancer process and activity. It should be said that this product is also available in the market in the form of dried fruit, which has a unique quality. This delicious and fragrant fruit has antioxidant properties and is rich in nutrients. It should also be said that it is very useful for those who suffer from anemia.

It should be noted that due to the high prevalence of this type of cancer, especially in Iran, the use of antioxidant fruits are of particular importance, among which we can mention dried strawberries. Because it is very effective in preventing this type of disease and can also be used as an alternative or as a combination with other chemical drugs in the prevention of this type of cancer.

Given the quality of sliced ​​dried strawberries is very important, the choice of a valid place is an issue that people should consider. In this case, shopping will be possible with more confidence and people will be able to provide their needs without any worries. The import center of dried strawberries can be a good option to buy due to its high credit, because during its activity period, it has achieved a special position in the domestic market and provides only high quality products at real value. Places applicants without a shortage.

Buyers are able to place their orders remotely, as the collection sells colorful dried strawberries online. Naturally, however, less time and energy will be spent on the purchase, and at the same time, the parties to the transaction will easily and in a short time achieve their desired goals.

Dried strawberries have many properties and one of its main properties is to relieve constipation and has other benefits, some of which are mentioned in the following section and are:

Kiwi is very useful for skin, hair and beauty, this type of fruit is rich in vitamins E and C and also has antioxidants that refresh and rejuvenate the skin and strengthen hair. Prevents premature aging and eliminates wrinkles. Due to its high content of vitamin C, it helps fight cancer cells. It causes better digestion of food and weight loss, and therefore its consumption is very useful for overweight people. It is very effective in preventing respiratory disorders, asthma and chronic cough. Ginger is used as a sedative and is used for chronic and local pain. Even the powder is mixed with oils and placed on the dumplings. Dried strawberries cure constipation.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 91
پنجشنبه 9 دی 1400 زمان : 11:40

Fight against pistachio pistachio shell nematode diseases

Methods of controlling pistachio nematode diseases are as follows:

Use of resistant cultivars.

Use of durable bases.

Avoid planting pistachio trees or seedlings in soil contaminated with nematodes.

Isolation and eradication of nematode infested sites.

Prevent the entry of insects and fungal and bacterial diseases that cause damage, wounds and ultimately better penetration of nematodes into the roots.

Biological control to control nematodes using fungi, viruses and predatory nematodes.

Use sunlight to disinfect the soil and kill nematodes or solarization.

Adequate irrigation, proper tillage operations and optimal fertilization and more fertility will eventually strengthen the trees and tolerate the damage caused by nematodes in pistachio trees.

Using chemical methods.

Use fallow and rotate with products that do not host nematodes.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 143
سه شنبه 7 دی 1400 زمان : 11:11

Here are some of the above theories and then some pistachio shell conclusions about the original origin of trees:

Karadouv (French scientists) says pistachios are native to Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

Different theories have been expressed in the encyclopedia: In the Encyclopedia Britannica, native Iranian pistachios have been introduced. In the American encyclopedia from West Asia, in Larus from Asia Minor, in the Persian encyclopedia of the Middle East and the Mediterranean, in Al-Munajjid from Turkestan, it is mentioned as the origin of the pistachio tree.

Iranian writers also have different opinions about the origin of pistachios. Some consider the history of pistachios in Iran to be four thousand years. Some consider its main homeland to be the borders of Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, and some consider its transfer (from these Asian countries) to Europe to coincide with the birth of Christ. Some have written the history of pistachios in Iran for five thousand years, in Qazvin for 1600 years, and in Ardakan for 300 years, and say that pistachios were taken from Iran to Italy by the Arabs 1200 years ago.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 134
دوشنبه 6 دی 1400 زمان : 11:02

Therefore, it is recommended to use the first type of devices for pistachio shell peeling the product. It is said that in case of emergency or in case of forced use of water peelers, peeled pistachios should be washed and soaked in perpionic acid solution for at least half an hour, and immediately after washing, the product should be dried with dry machines. The artifact is completely dry. If the pistachio crop harvested from the garden is separated from the soft shell by dry peeling machines, or this is done by hand, the skinless pistachios should be dried with a machine or immediately transferred to the pistachio drying areas and Expanded a special position. The drying area of ​​pistachios should be completely clean and away from any contamination and moisture. Strictly avoid storing semi-dry pistachios. In addition, after the pistachios are completely dry in the sun, the product should be transferred from the area to dry and cool warehouses. The conditions of pistachio warehouses should be completely based on technical and hygienic principles, which will be mentioned later. The use of soft skin of pistachio crop as a fertilizer increases the possibility of creating suitable conditions for the growth and development of such fungi in the garden environment. Therefore, this action should be avoided. If necessary, the ashes from burning them can be used for this purpose.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,

تعداد صفحات : -1

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  • افراد آنلاین : 31
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