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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته - صفحه 9
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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته

بازدید : 93
شنبه 14 اسفند 1400 زمان : 10:31

Fighting Indian moth pistachio shell pest

The necessary measures to prevent and combat Indian moths are as follows:

Observe warehouse hygiene issues such as warehouse disinfection before use.

Prevent heat and humidity from rising in the warehouse by using a continuous flow of air through glazed windows.

Regular visits to different places and different depths of pistachio mass accumulated in the warehouse or inside the bags.

If you observe one of the growth stages of moths (eggs, larvae, pupae and adult insects) on pistachios, you should start fighting.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 113
پنجشنبه 12 اسفند 1400 زمان : 10:08

Although so far no action after harvesting the percentage of smiling pistachio shell pistachios has shown a favorable effect. However, it has been practically observed that pistachios after drying in storage or due to the heat of the dryer, the gap between the shell and the kernel increases and even in some cases it is observed that with increasing temperature of pistachio recording workshops, pistachio bone shell is so open. It makes the brain fall out of the skin or makes it easier to separate.

Factors affecting the smile of pistachios

The result is that smiling pistachios after harvesting less and after reaching the pistachio recording workshops or processing and drying more of its hard shell becomes a higher percentage of smiling pistachios. Therefore, due to insufficient knowledge of the mechanism of pistachio smile, the effect of factors such as harvest time, irrigation (amount of irrigation) and especially foliar application can not be ignored.

Because experience has shown that in order to have the highest amount of smiling pistachios in Kerman cultivar as mother and inoculating it with Peters pollen as father base and observing the harvest season based on the color of the outer bark and also watering the tree in August and September, the amount of smiling Pistachio can be grown and leaf decomposition in this case has shown that the bar should not be less than 250 PPM.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 87
چهارشنبه 11 اسفند 1400 زمان : 9:56

Another major factor in nutrient uptake by trees from soil is soil pistachio shell acidity or soil pH. Soil acidity directly affects soil microorganisms as well as the uptake of various nutrients. Soil pH determines which elements are absorbed by the roots and which are not. At low acidity (acidic pH) elements such as zinc, manganese, aluminum, copper and cobalt are highly absorbable and, conversely, at high pH can not be absorbed by plants. This is what has happened in the soil conditions of pistachio orchards in Kerman province and has caused the lack of microelements to be observed in almost all pistachio orchards due to the high pH of the soil.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 81
دوشنبه 9 اسفند 1400 زمان : 10:24

For this purpose, plastic bags with a height of 25 to 30 cm are used. Of pistachio shell course, the higher the height of the bags (45 cm or more), the better the seedling growth. Because the growing environment in potted plants is limited, and these plants, like those grown in the field and garden, can not grow their roots and use the soil nutrients naturally.

Therefore, to meet the needs of the plant, the soil inside the bags is selected from a mixture of one to two parts of sand, one part of high quality arable soil (loam) and one part of manure or rotted leaf soil. Usually, to facilitate irrigation operations, the land is dug to the height of the pots, then the pots are arranged so that there are corridors for workers to cross at intervals of 1-2-1 meters.

The upper bouts featured two cutaways, for easier access to the higher frets. Inside each bag, two seeds are usually planted, and after germination and four- and five-leafed seedlings, the strongest ones are selected and the other is removed.

Be sure to make small holes in the bottom of the bags as drainage. Potted plants can be moved to the mainland at any time of the year. Planting pistachios in bags is also used for planting in gardens. During the transfer to the main ground, the bags are slowly torn without damaging the roots and the surrounding soil spilling, and the plant is transferred to the main ground.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 112
يکشنبه 8 اسفند 1400 زمان : 10:32

Recognition of the complication of early laughter and cracking of pistachios Complications pistachio shell of early laughter and cracking are other physiological problems of pistachio fruits and usually the green skin on the surface does not crack before the fruit matures and before harvest. Occasionally, the superficial green crust ruptures along the hard bony crust, called early laughter (Pearson et al., 1994). Rupture of the superficial skin in areas other than the bony skin is called cracking (Doster et al., 1999). 1.5% of fruits are smiling at early harvest (Crane and Iwakiri, 1987) and less than 5% of fruits are cracked. Pistachios with cracked or easily smiling skin are of lower quality than normal pistachios with normal skin and are often moldy and infested with damage. Basic and scion genetics, climatic conditions, nutrient imbalances, irrigation and improper harvesting are the reasons for early laughter and cracking.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 86
شنبه 7 اسفند 1400 زمان : 10:34

At this time (October), female development begins after three months of pistachio shell dormancy, but in winter the flower bud growth stops almost. At the end of March, each female flower forms a three-leafed female, one of which is the main and the other two are smaller and sterile.

The development of the beginning of the flag, after nine months of dormancy, which was motivated in August of the previous season, will take place until the end of April. Male and female inflorescences open in April, 7-5 days apart.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 273
پنجشنبه 5 اسفند 1400 زمان : 10:17

Investigation of pistachio trees of Kerman pistachio shell cultivar

Pistachio trees of Kerman cultivar were high and low in natural cycles. The two hypotheses tested were:

The amount of sugar at the beginning of the season in the tested organs of trees with high yield (high load) is higher than trees with low yield (low load). This hypothesis was confirmed by measuring the amount of sugar and starch in leaves, inflorescence buds, cluster axis, pistachios and main branches, secondary and roots of high-yielding trees compared to low-yielding trees.

The amount of sugar in the tissues of fertile trees remains high in the first wave of pistachio shedding that occurs at the beginning of the growing season. This hypothesis was also confirmed.

In fact, soluble sugars and starches in high-yielding trees remained high for up to two months after all flowering. Inflorescence on low-loading trees The amount of soluble sugars and starch was 13 times higher than inflorescence buds on high-loaded trees. At this time, the inflorescence buds of low-yielding trees were 50% more dry than the inflorescence buds of high-yielding trees.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 100
چهارشنبه 4 اسفند 1400 زمان : 10:14

One of the benefits of buying pistachios online from the pistachio shell Rafsanjan pistachio site is that you do not need to search for the right quality of pistachios in the streets and markets, but you can buy high quality pistachios and have them delivered to your door. There is a principle when buying that they check the quality when buying the desired product, but Rafsanjan pistachio site gives you the assurance that the pistachio you buy from us is of the best quality and of the highest quality type of pistachio.

Before visiting our site, prepare your credit card and the second password of your card, because it is not possible to visit our site and do not buy pistachios. If the amount of pistachios you want to order is high, contact our expert so that we can make the order easy for you.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 100
سه شنبه 3 اسفند 1400 زمان : 10:21

faceSubsurface drip irrigation system also has disadvantages which pistachio shell are as follows:

High cost of appliances

Install drainage pipes underground

If proper root control is not done or appropriate drippers are not used, the drippers may be clogged by plant roots.

Damage to the tubes by rodents such as rats

More complex management than surface drip irrigation system due to the location of drippers below the soil sur

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 98
دوشنبه 2 اسفند 1400 زمان : 9:51

Significant signs of deficiency are spoonful of calcium in the leaves along pistachio shell the leaves and thinning of the clusters. Sunburn and decreased fruit smile are related to potassium deficiency. Potash makes the plant resistant to any water-drought stress and environmental stresses. The highest deficiency in pistachio trees is related to nitrogen. Yellowing of old and purple leaves at the margins of leaves and falling leaves and fruits are symptoms of nitrogen deficiency.

Most of the soils of Khorasan are calcareous texture with high pH. The pH of most orchards in Khorasan is between 8 and 9 due to calcareous soils and drought, which is a danger. Reddening of annual branches and leaf fall and drying are signs of salinity. Excessive use of one element reduces the absorption of other elements in the soil.

Excess magnesium in the soil prevents the absorption of iron, potash and calcium. One of the destructive effects of salinity is plant thirst and reduced movement of nutrients in the soil. Soil-soluble salts include chlorine, sodium, bicarbonate, sulfate, and magnesium.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,

تعداد صفحات : -1

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