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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته

بازدید : 161
دوشنبه 10 مرداد 1401 زمان : 11:05

Can You Compost Pistachio Shells? (And Are They Biodegradable?)


When someone tells you ‘you must be nuts!’, do you get mad or feel bad about yourself? Well, don’t! Nuts are known to contain essential nutrients and can aid weight loss and heart and gut health. Some of the world’s most famous nuts include peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and of course pistachios. pistachio shell

Pistachio nuts are not only tasty and fun to eat but also super healthy. They contain healthy fats and are a good source of protein, fiber, and antioxidants. Apart from the nutty and sweet part that is consumed, the other common thing with the pistachio is the exterior shell. They are not edible and are most likely thrown away or used for decorative purposes. This article looks into composting pistachio shells and tries to explain if they can be composted.

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Are Pistachio Shells Compostable?

Luckily for you, pistachio shells are compostable. Nutshells like pistachio shells are good for composting. Using compost, including that made of pistachio shells, is one of the best ways to nourish your plants.

Not only does it retain moisture, enrich the soil, and fight against insects and plant diseases, compost is better for the environment than many commercially produced fertilizers. Compost also lowers your carbon footprint by reducing the use of chemical fertilizers.

The shells may take a few years to decompose, so they make the compost less heavy, even though they add bulk. Pistachio shells also help with water retention. The compost might not be applicable for use for sowing small seeds or potting on delicate baby plants, but the shells can make good compost, fine for your vegetable patch or flower beds.

You should be careful not to add the shells as a whole as they are directly into the composting bin. If you add them whole, be prepared to wait for two years or more before they completely decompose. Instead of simply tossing them like that, be sure to crush them first. If they are broken into pieces or a fine powder, they decompose more quickly.

You should also use unsalted pistachio shells for the composting bin or pile. Salted pistachios are not bad while in the bin unless you are composting only a few and if the pile is large enough. Too much salt in the composting bin will contaminate the soil. The salt also kills any microorganisms and natural bacteria in the compost, delaying the composting process.

As such, to be on the safer side, just use unsalted pistachio nut shells in your compost. You can also soak the salted shells overnight to get the salt off the shells. Oh, and for the record, other nuts and nut shells can be used in the compost bin, but then again, avoid salted nuts and nutshells.

See also Can Snake Plants Live Outside?

Pistachio shells are a terrific bulky ‘brown’ material for compost. Browns are materials that are carbon-rich and will add structure to your compost and aeration to the pile. They are hard and slow to degrade, but you can speed up the process considerably by crushing them up before tossing them in.

Another option is to soak whole shells in a bucket of water overnight to soften them. The next day, dump the pistachio shells, along with the water, into your compost heap.

Composting pistachio shells reduces the levels of methane emissions from landfills, reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers and encourages the production of beneficial fungi and bacteria that break down organic matter to create humus. Composting also helps the soil retain moisture, enriches it, and suppresses pests and plant diseases.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 79
يکشنبه 9 مرداد 1401 زمان : 11:25

Why Pistachios Are Sold in Their Shell

roasted pistachios both in and out of their shells

pistachio shell

The pistachio tree (Pistacia vera) originated in Central Asia. JTYLER/GETTY IMAGES

In recent years, pistachios have been getting a lot of attention, and not just because of those clever TV commercials featuring Snoop Dogg eating them out of a pill bottle and Ernie the elephant falling off a treadmill. Americans consumed close to 100 metric tons of pistachios in 2013, the most recent year available, which works out to just about 11.4 ounces (323 grams) per person, according to International Nut & Dried Fruit, a nut industry organization. That represented a more than 60 percent increase compared to just four years earlier.

Why are we eating so many pistachios? One reason, obviously, is that we like the taste. But pistachios also have developed a reputation as a guilt-free snack with plenty of nutritional benefits, rich in unsaturated fats, fiber and antioxidants. Research suggests that pistachios could help to reduce hypertension and promote development of beneficial gut microbes. They're even gaining credibility as a tool for weight loss — partly because, like other nuts, they give a person a full feeling, and partly because the extra work needed to crack their shells and extract them helps to slow down consumption. In one 2011 study, subjects who snacked on pistachios they had to remove from their shells consumed 41 percent fewer calories than those who were given pistachios with the shells already removed.

But that leads to another question. Why are pistachios one of the few nuts commonly sold to consumers with their shells still attached?

To roast and salt nuts like walnuts or cashews, producers need to remove the protective shell. But the reason that's not so for pistachios? Between 70 and 90 percent of pistachios develop a natural split in their shells during the growing process, says University of California, Davis pistachio expert Louise Ferguson, co-author of the "Pistachio Production Manual." After those pistachios are shaken off the trees by harvesting machines, they can be salted and roasted while still inside the shells as that natural crack allows heat and salt access to the nut, eliminating a step in the industrial process and saving processors some money.

Full Width

To harvest pistachios, growers use a machine aptly called a shaker to shake the nuts loose from their trees and catch them as they fall.


"The pistachios that split naturally generally are your larger nuts," says Ferguson.

Only the minority of nuts that don't split on their own are run through industrial shell-removing machines. Though some experts think the unsplit nuts might be less mature than the split variety, Ferguson said there really isn't much of a discernible taste difference.

"By the time you get them, they've been roasted, anyway," she says.

Most of the pistachios without shells end up being used in cooking, and to make products such as pistachio ice cream. Ferguson adds that pistachio use as a recipe ingredient is a growing trend in the industry.

Assuming that you're not a person who enjoys the sensual experience of cracking the shell and extracting a pistachio, which is a better deal to buy — with shells, or without? A whole single pistachio, shell and all, weighs about 0.02 ounces (0.57 grams), and the kernel or nutmeat — that is, the portion of the pistachio that you eat — makes up about 53 percent of that weight. You might suspect that would make pistachios without shells cheaper. But if you look at the prices charged by retailers, pistachios without shells tend to be more than twice as expensive per ounce as the ones in shells, so all you save is the trouble of extracting them, and pay a hefty fee for that luxury.

And if you're going to shell your own pistachios, give this ingenious method of cracking open pistachio shells: BuzzFeed suggests using a spent shell as leverage to pop open the next nut.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 84
شنبه 8 مرداد 1401 زمان : 16:15

What are the types of dried fruit? In this article, we are going to introduce you to different dried fruits. pistachio shell Dried fruit is a fruit that has lost all its water through various drying methods; It means that most of the dry fruit's liquid tissue has evaporated due to heat and only a part of the dry fruit's moisture remains. In order to dry a fruit, we have to compress it in different ways.

Raisins are the most consumed dried fruit in the world, followed by dried dates, dried plums, dried figs, and dried apricots. These days, we can easily dry our desired fruit at home or even buy dried fruit online. The price of dried fruit depends on the type of fruit, the season, freshness and several other factors. Next, we will explain the types of dried fruit.

All kinds of dried fruit
1. Tropical dried fruit
This category can be called luxury dried fruit! Because all of them are imported and naturally these days they are more expensive than ever. The most famous of them are dried jackfruit, dried mango, dried pineapple and dried banana. Jackfruit typically grows in Southeast Asia and India and has a taste between pineapple and banana and is the national symbol of Bangladesh.

The most important properties of dry jackfruit are its anti-cancer properties, lowering blood cholesterol and being suitable for slimming and weight loss. Today, mangoes, pineapples and bananas in Iran are often grown in the southern provinces, including Sistan and Baluchistan and Hormozgan. Although it is also imported.

2. Organic dried fruit
Today, organic products have their own fans in the market. The main idea of ​​producing these products is not to use chemicals in production. Dried fruit can also be produced organically. This means that no chemicals are used in its production process (even when its fresh fruit is being produced). No chemicals, including acid, are used in the production of the product itself.

A variety of dried fruits with the most protein and calories
1. dried apple
There are about 2 grams of protein, 208 kcal and 7 grams of fiber in a glass of dried apple, which is very good for the digestive system and digestion. Dried apples are also suitable for weight loss and blood pressure regulation and for strengthening the immune system.

2. Dried apricots
In one glass of dried apricots, there are approximately 5 grams of protein, 9 grams of fiber and more than 300 kcal of energy, and it also contains large amounts of potassium and iron. Dried apricots are also useful for improving the function of the digestive system, losing weight and balancing blood pressure, and due to the presence of vitamin A, it is also excellent for strengthening the vision of the eyes.

3. dried pear
There are 2 grams of protein, 470 calories and 14 grams of fiber in each glass of dried pears. Due to its high potassium content, this dried fruit is useful for balancing blood pressure and is also suitable for strengthening bones and improving the body's immune system.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 88
سه شنبه 28 تير 1401 زمان : 11:49

5 Ways to Re-Use Pistachio Shells

Once you’ve had your healthy dose of pistachios for the day, don’t throw out those precious shells! Here are a few ways you can re-use them (just be sure to remove any salt before doing any of this, as salt can kill plants pretty readil). pistachio shell

  1. If you’re gardening on a small or large scale, you can use the shells to provide great soil drainage. No need to grind, just place at the bottom of the inside of the pot before adding dirt. They replace pebbles and other stones that are often purchased to provide proper drainage necessary to keep plants healthy.
  2. You can also put shells underneath the pots much like you would if making a gravel or pebble stand in a tray underneath.
  3. Pistachio shells can be used as a supplement to your garden mulch, so if you have any extra, simply throw them into the mix. It is best to soak the shells in water overnight first to prepare the tough shells for this job.
  4. If you have an issue with cats using your garden or potted plants as a place to relieve themselves, put pistachio shells all around the plant, covering the dirt. This should deter them from digging in and getting a little too cozy around your precious plants.
  5. If you’re a really serious gardener or just an eco-conscious person, you probably have a compost bin and know that you’ll never throw these precious shells out in the garbage because they’ll help turn the rest of your composted items into the black gold known as dirt.
برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 83
چهارشنبه 22 تير 1401 زمان : 13:13

Properties of pistachio skin

The property of dry pistachio skin!

Pistachio skin contains green or gray-green parts. Its appearance is a tube and a boat with a white inner part, which is obtained from the top shell of the pistachio fruit. The properties of pistachio skin for the soil, plants and in traditional medicine for the treatment of diseases are abundantly seen. To learn about the properties of our dry pistachio skin, follow this article from the Haft Mooz nut shop and dry fruit site. pistachio shell

Properties of pistachio skin in traditional medicine

The green skin of fresh pistachio has a cold and dry character, unlike its core, which is hot and dry. In the following, we will explain about the properties and benefits of pistachio shells.

In order to strengthen the gums, rub it on the gums or chew it.

Brew it and drink a cup to get rid of hiccups.

It is known as the best medicine to eliminate bad breath.

They use it for dyeing.

Heal the wounds inside the mouth by chewing it.

You can use its decoction to cure diarrhea.

You can brew and drink it to get rid of vomiting.

To get rid of stomach ache and heartburn

To eliminate children's diarrhea (brew some of it with white tea and oak and give it to the child.)

Use a decoction of pistachio bark and leaves to get rid of anal itching.

Boiled pistachio skin is also useful for eliminating itching of female genital organs.

Properties of dry pistachio skin

Properties of pistachio hard shell

Properties of white pistachio skin

You can use the properties of hard pistachio shells to eliminate hemorrhoids and anus protrusion. To treat this type of disease, its shell should be boiled in water and poured into a basin and the sick person should sit in it for a few minutes. This will relieve and reduce your pain.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 142
دوشنبه 20 تير 1401 زمان : 13:44

Why should we remove the new skin early?

Remove the pistachio skin and twigs from fresh pistachios as soon as possible and let them dry. pistachio shell Keep in mind that pistachios left in their skins for more than a week may produce aflatoxin in addition to turning black. A large amount of this poison is dangerous and avoid eating pistachios whose fresh skin is completely blackened and the blackness has transferred to the wooden shell. Peeling fresh pistachio skin (or pistachio green skin) is a difficult task and peeling too much will damage the nails. Now let's look at an easy way to peel fresh pistachios at home. From a practical point of view, this method has the same peeling mechanism in jat factory and pistachio terminals.

Freezing fresh pistachios is the first solution

If you don't have enough time to peel the pistachios now or you want to taste the fresh taste of the pistachios when you consume them, you can freeze them in the freezer and thaw them when you want to eat them. With this method, pistachios retain their freshness and can be stored for at least one year without any problems. Note that pistachios that have been frozen once will spoil sooner at room temperature than pistachios that have not been frozen.

Peeling fresh pistachios by hand?

Peeling fresh pistachios by hand is quite difficult, especially if the pistachios are more than one kilo. The pistachio skin goes under the nails and makes the tips of the fingers black and sticky. Now we introduce you a method in which you can peel it at least 4 times faster than peeling it by hand and with less trouble.

Easy way to peel fresh pistachios

Follow the steps below to peel pistachios in no time.

First step: separating pistachio branches

Although the fresh pistachios sold in stores usually do not have branches, but to be careful, check that there are no extra branches between the pistachios. Branches can cause problems in later stages.

Second step: pour the pistachios into a strong plastic bag

Find a sturdy nylon bag. In this test, we used a regular plastic bag, which of course broke after 2 uses. You can also use two layers of bags. Now fill about a quarter to a third of the usable space of the bag with pistachios. Usable space means the space of the bag except for the handles or the part that is used to tie the bag.

Peeling pistachios in a bag

Fill a quarter to a third of the bag with pistachios.

Second step: closing the bag

Tie the bag so that there is not so much air in the bag that it inflates when you press the bag. The size of the pistachios should be such that when you put the bag on the ground, the pistachios inside the bag form a flat layer of maximum 3-4 cm.

Peeling pistachios in the bag

Close the bag so that the pistachios form a layer of 3-4 cm in the bag.

Step 4: Press the pistachios together

Press and slide the pistachios with the palm of your hand or your foot (of course, the foot is easier). Do this carefully so that the bag does not tear and do not let a large part of the pistachios gather in one corner of the bag and be under pressure so as not to tear. Continue until the skin of the pistachios is removed.

Peeling pistachios with hands or feet

Crack the skin by pressing and sliding the pistachio seeds together.

Step 5: Separation of fresh pistachio skin

Now just untie the bag and empty the pistachios on a tray. You can easily separate the skins and pistachios. Of course, there are still some pistachios left whose skins are firmly attached. These pistachios are generally whole or pitted.

Freshly peeled pistachios

Now it is much easier to separate the pistachio skin from the pistachio itself.

The sixth step: washing pistachios

Boil the peeled pistachios in a bowl of water. With this method, you can clean them and separate the lighter pistachios from the water.

Peeled pistachios floating in water

Poke pistachios float on water.

Step Seven: Dry the pistachios

Pistachios can be dried in the sun or roasted in a pan until they are dry. Using salt also increases the shelf life of pistachios.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 75
شنبه 18 تير 1401 زمان : 13:54

Cure your back pain in an hour! "Without the need for a doctor or medicine" pistachio shell

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Cure your back pain in an hour! "Without the need for a doctor or medicine"

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Cure your back pain in an hour! "Without the need for a doctor or medicine"

How to prepare delicious saffron pistachio jam with pistachio skin

Pistachio jam recipe

How to make pistachio jam

Pistachio jam is one of the most delicious jams that is popular all over the world and can be a delicious and luxurious breakfast option, but you can prepare a delicious jam for breakfast and dinner with your pistachio skin. This jam is very fragrant and it is a very good option with breakfast cream. You can not throw away your fresh pistachio skin and prepare a first-class jam with it. The recipe for making this jam is very easy like other jams and by following a series of tips, be sure you will prepare the best pistachio skin jam. Today in Parsi Day, we will teach you how to make delicious saffron pistachio jam with pistachio skin. Stay with us.

Ingredients for making fresh pistachio skin jam

Pistachio skin 1 kg

Sugar 1 kg

1/2 cup of pistachio nuts

Rose water 1/2 cup

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Saffron in the required amount

Cardamom 4 pcs

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How to prepare fast, delicious and colorful homemade strawberry jam at home

Strawberry jam is one of the most popular and delicious jams in the world, which is like all kinds of jams as a breakfast...

How to prepare Majlisi saffron green pistachio jam

First step: skin preparation

First, we put fresh pistachio skins in a basin of water and ice for 3 hours, then pour water into a pot and wait until it boils, when it boils, pour the skins into the boiling water and then drain for a few seconds and Wash with cold water, repeat this 3 times until the bitterness of the pistachio skin is removed, the last step, put it in water and ice again and let it stand for 5 minutes, then drain and wait for 1 hour until the water is completely absorbed into the skin.

Second step: preparation of syrup

Pour sugar and water into a pot with a suitable volume and put it on the heat and first increase the heat, when it boils, reduce the heat, then add saffron, rose water and cardamom.

Third step: adding pistachio skin

Next, when the syrup reaches its consistency, pour the lemon juice and then add the fresh and dried pistachio skin and let it cook completely on a low flame for 1-2 hours until the skin softens and the syrup reaches the desired consistency.

Glorglass tea service design, view

Glorglass tea service design, view

Step 4: Preparation of fresh pistachio skin jam

Next, add the pistachio nuts to the jam and let the nuts soften for half an hour, then after the jam is fully cooked, remove it from the heat and put it in the kitchen for 24 hours to cool down, then put it in clean and sterilized jars. Pour and store in the refrigerator and eat with your breakfast. Enjoy your meal

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 68
چهارشنبه 15 تير 1401 زمان : 12:46

Pistacio nut shell

Pistachio skin consists of green or gray-green, tubular and boat-shaped pieces with a white inner part, which is obtained from the outer skin of pistachio fruits with the scientific name: Pistacia vera L. from the pistachio family (Anacardiaceae). pistachio shell The pistachio tree can be seen planted in many parts of Iran, especially in Merkazi and Kerman provinces. The pistachio tree has white stems, oval leaves and almond-shaped fruits with two thin and woody skins.

Benefits of pistachio skin

1. The green skin of fresh pistachio is cold and dry according to old Iranian medicine.

2. It is used for dyeing.

3. The best medicine is to eliminate bad breath.

4. Chewing it heals the wounds inside the mouth.

5. To strengthen the gums, apply it on the gums or chew it.

6. Pistachio green skin decoction eliminates nausea and vomiting.

7. Its decoction is useful for diarrhea.

8. To cure hiccups, brew pistachio green skin and drink a cup of it.

Disadvantages of using pistachio skin

How to use pistachio skin

• For hemorrhoids, to treat hemorrhoids, pistachio skin should be boiled in water and put in a basin, and the person who has this disease should sit in it for a few minutes.

• It is the best remedy for bad breath.

• Chewing it heals the wounds inside the mouth.

• To strengthen the gums, it is useful to rub it on the gums or chew it.

• Infusion of pistachio skin removes nausea and vomiting.

• Its infusion is useful for diarrhea.

• To cure hiccups, brew pistachio skin and drink a cup of it.

• You can also make a very delicious pickle from fresh pistachio skin and eat it with food in winter.

• A decoction of pistachio bark and leaves is useful for anal pain and itching.

• Pistachio bark decoction is useful for relieving itching of female genital organs.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 69
سه شنبه 14 تير 1401 زمان : 12:48

The property of dry pistachio skin!

Pistachio skin contains green or gray-green pieces. Its appearance is a tube and a boat with a white inner part, which is obtained from the top shell of the pistachio fruit. The properties of pistachio skin for the soil, plants and in traditional medicine for the treatment of diseases are abundantly seen. pistachio shell To learn about the properties of our dry pistachio skin, follow this article from the Haft Mooz nut shop and dry fruit site.

Properties of pistachio skin in traditional medicine

The green skin of fresh pistachio has a cold and dry character, unlike its core, which is hot and dry. In the following, we will explain about the properties and benefits of pistachio shells.

In order to strengthen the gums, rub it on the gums or chew it.

Brew it and drink a cup to get rid of hiccups.

It is known as the best medicine to eliminate bad breath.

They use it for dyeing.

Heal the wounds inside the mouth by chewing it.

You can use its decoction to cure diarrhea.

You can brew and drink it to get rid of vomiting.

To get rid of stomach ache and heartburn

To eliminate children's diarrhea (brew some of it with white tea and oak and give it to the child.)

Use a decoction of pistachio bark and leaves to get rid of anal itching.

Boiled pistachio skin is also useful for eliminating itching of female genital organs.

Properties of dry pistachio skin

Properties of pistachio hard shell

Properties of white pistachio skin

You can use the properties of hard pistachio shells to eliminate hemorrhoids and anus protrusion. To treat this type of disease, its shell should be boiled in water and poured into a basin and the sick person should sit in it for a few minutes; This will relieve and reduce your pain.

Suggested study: Side effects of excessive consumption of pistachios

Amazing properties of pistachio skin!

No doubt you have heard about the properties of raw pistachios; But you have heard little or nothing about the properties of dry pistachio peel or Pistachio peel. In the following, we will introduce you to its incredible properties in the food industry.

How to prepare extraordinary jam with pistachio shell

To make jam with this ingredient, you need to boil half a kilo of pistachio skin 2-3 times until its bitterness is completely removed. Then put it in cold water for 5 hours and change the water several times during this time.

Pour sugar and water into the pot and add the shell while it boils until it boils a few times and the sugar reaches the required consistency. Finally, add lemon juice, rose water, pistachio slices, and vanilla and stir with a wooden spoon once or twice and turn off the heat.

How to make pickled pistachio skin

First, we soak the dry pistachio skin in water and salt for 4 hours, then drain it and wash it with cold water. Then we boil it in boiling water for 10 minutes; This should be done twice. Then we drain it and after it cools down, we pour it into the container of our choice. Add spices, green pepper and vinegar to it and leave it in a cool place for 15 days.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 77
دوشنبه 13 تير 1401 زمان : 12:37

The property of dry pistachio skin!
Pistachio skin contains green or gray-green pieces. Its appearance is a tube and a boat with a white inner part, which is obtained from the top shell of the pistachio fruit. The properties of pisشtachio skin for the soil, plants and in traditional medicine for the treatment of diseases are abundantly seen. pistachio shell To learn about the properties of our dry pistachio skin, follow this article from the Haft Mooz nut shop and dry fruit site.

Properties of pistachio skin in traditional medicine
The green skin of fresh pistachio has a cold and dry character, unlike its core, which is hot and dry. In the following, we will explain about the properties and benefits of pistachio shells.

In order to strengthen the gums, rub it on the gums or chew it.
Brew it and drink a cup to get rid of hiccups.
It is known as the best medicine to eliminate bad breath.
They use it for dyeing.
Heal the wounds inside the mouth by chewing it.
You can use its decoction to cure diarrhea.
You can brew and drink it to get rid of vomiting.
To get rid of stomach ache and heartburn
To eliminate children's diarrhea (brew some of it with white tea and oak and give it to the child.)
Use a decoction of pistachio bark and leaves to get rid of anal itching.
Boiled pistachio skin is also useful for eliminating itching of female genital organs.
Properties of dry pistachio skin
Properties of pistachio hard shell

Properties of white pistachio skin
You can use the properties of hard pistachio shells to eliminate hemorrhoids and anus protrusion. To treat this type of disease, its shell should be boiled in water and poured into a basin and the sick person should sit in it for a few minutes; This will relieve and reduce your pain.

Suggested study: Benefits of pistachios in pregnancy
Amazing properties of pistachio skin!
No doubt you have heard about the properties of raw pistachios; But you have heard little or nothing about the properties of dry pistachio peel or Pistachio peel. In the following, we will introduce you to its incredible properties in the food industry.

How to prepare extraordinary jam with pistachio shell
To make jam with this ingredient, you have to boil half a kilo of pistachio skin 2-3 times until its bitterness is completely removed. Then put it in cold water for 5 hours and change the water several times during this time.

Pour sugar and water into the pot and add the shell while it boils until it boils a few times and the sugar reaches the required consistency. Finally, add lemon juice, rose water, pistachio slices, and vanilla and stir with a wooden spoon once or twice and turn off the heat.

How to make pickled pistachio skin
First, we soak the dry pistachio skin in water and salt for 4 hours, then drain it and wash it with cold water. Then we boil it in boiling water for 10 minutes; This should be done twice. Then we drain it and after it cools down, we pour it into the container of our choice. Add spices, green pepper and vinegar to it and leave it in a cool place for 15 days.

Properties of pistachio skin for plants
Every year, we see the production of a large amount of pistachio green skin and green leaves, as well as pistachio scraps. But pistachio skin fertilizer is from its green skin, which has nutritional value; it is produced. We mix and process the green skin of smiling nuts with other animal fertilizers. If it is not possible to use this large amount of animal manure and fresh pistachio skin, a lot of waste is created every year, which has many environmental and health risks. In the following, we will introduce you to the properties of pistachio shell fertilizer for plants and agriculture.

Preventing the washing away and losses of chemical fertilizers
Increase and durability of plant resistance to pests and diseases
Increase and improve the better exchange of nutrients in the environment near the roots
Reducing the production of greenhouse gases
Providing relatively appropriate amounts of food elements, especially low consumption elements (micronutrients)
Study suggestion: How many pistachios should we eat daily?
Properties of dry and fresh pistachio skin

Properties of pistachio skin for soil
Increasing the amount of soil moisture retention
Increasing soil drainage and helping root development
Kash soil erosion and increase the strength of the soil structure
Increasing soil ventilation and helping root development in heavy and clay soils
Increase of beneficial soil fauna and microorganism population
Improving the poor quality of clay and sandy soils
Increasing the strength of the soil in stabilizing and making heavy metal elements unusable
Buffering soil pH
properties of pistachio hard shell; Production of activated carbon
In fact, pistachio skin is a forgotten and neglected wealth in Iran, which can easily be earned with a little creativity. This material is one of the side products of the pistachio industry in the field of active carbon production. According to studies, 1 kg of active

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  • کل مطالب : 170
  • کل نظرات : 0
  • افراد آنلاین : 24
  • تعداد اعضا : 0
  • بازدید امروز : 134
  • بازدید کننده امروز : 1
  • باردید دیروز : 4
  • بازدید کننده دیروز : 0
  • گوگل امروز : 0
  • گوگل دیروز : 0
  • بازدید هفته : 212
  • بازدید ماه : 229
  • بازدید سال : 5214
  • بازدید کلی : 18171
  • کدهای اختصاصی