The sulfuric acid added to the soil reacted immediately with the pistachio shell lime in the soil
And is neutralized. The reaction of sulfuric acid with carbonates present in the soil mainly leads
To produce hydrated calcium sulfate (agricultural gypsum) and to a much lesser extent magnesium sulfate and
Sulfate doubles calcium and magnesium. Due to the speed of the above reaction) neutral
Sulfuric acid with lime (acid in the soil is not permanent, which is not able to damage
Be the root of the plant. It is also the most economical way to correct the unfavorable properties of a soil
Clay is the use of sulfuric acid. For example, 98% sulfuric acid
Farms and orchards to reduce the alkalinity of water and soil, especially in orchards
Pistachios are consumed in Kerman province. Using sulfuric acid as a substance
Correction after two to three repetitions, soil permeability increased and the problem of soil aeration
At the same time it is high. By improving the ventilation status of a clay, growth and development conditions
An important part of the causative agents of pathogenic diseases are eliminated. Just have to point this out
Note that when using sulfuric acid and reducing the acidity of fungal activity
Pathogens such as pythium and… increase, which must be considered to get into trouble
Let us not.
So, in short, the effects of sulfuric acid in agriculture can be described as follows:
1- Reduction of alkalinity (PH) of soil and water
2- Modification of soil salinity)) EC
3- Improving the condition of ventilation in clay soils
4- Ability to form organic sulfates in soil and water