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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته - صفحه 11
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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته

بازدید : 106
سه شنبه 12 بهمن 1400 زمان : 10:08

1. First, channels with a depth of 120 cm and a pistachio shell width of 100 cm in length

Custom drilled.

2 canal floors, dried branches of trees, wheat and barley straw, weeds and

Farm waste is dumped.

3- 200 kg / ha of urea is sprayed on the organic waste of the canal floor.

Because as we know, soil microorganisms to decompose straw and

They need to convert it to organic matter to nitrogen. Of course, because after pouring the soil on

Mass, anaerobic conditions are created and the decomposition of organic matter is very slow

It is better to use compost prepared from organic waste at the bottom of the canals


4- Animal manure should be consumed at the rate of 100 to 150 tons per hectare, which can be

Increase the percentage of organic matter. For every 10 tons of animal manure, equivalent to 600 to

1000 kg of humus is obtained every year. Then a mixture of fertilizers

Macro, including: 300 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 600 kg of potash fertilizer with up to 400

1000 kg of agricultural sulfur is consumed per hectare. Of course it is better

Consumption of these fertilizers is based on soil test, because it may be soil-based

No need for phosphorus or potassium fertilizers to accurately estimate types

Chemical fertilizers require soil at the garden site to a depth of at least 80 cm

Meters to be decomposed and fertilizers required for a period of at least 3 to 5 years

Be calculated. Finally, on the filled canal, a shallow creek is drilled and

Gravity irrigation is done by flooding, finally after land subsidence

And filling sediments with soil along the canal, complete leveling ground and

It is grounded and the holes of the seedlings are dug. Add in later years

Movable and immobile chemical fertilizers in the form of furrow fertilizers according to the depth

The roots penetrate. In gardens where the depth of root penetration is about 80

Cm, fertilizer with furrow fertilizer at a depth of 40-30 cm is correct

It does not seem. In the case of nitrogen fertilizers, it is better to use it as a road

To be.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 73
دوشنبه 11 بهمن 1400 زمان : 10:15

One of the most important elements in energy carrier pistachio shell compounds to advance all reactions

Plant biochemical essential is phosphorus. Phosphorus uptake from the plant rhizosphere

And through direct contact of fertilizer with the roots in the rhizosphere

Takes. The rhizosphere is the volume of soil that is affected by root activity

Pistachio trees are placed. All the changes in the rhizosphere environment of trees

Pistachios are made are biological. Because of all the interactions that take place in

Rhizosphere environment This environment is known as a hot-spot

Is. The results of many studies have shown the physical and chemical properties of soil

It can affect the rhizosphere environment. Phosphorus is one of the most important elements

It is a food that exists in very low concentrations in soil solution and absorbs it

By the roots of pistachio trees leads to a further reduction of this element in the growing environment

Becomes root or rhizosphere. We have three points in the soils of pistachio growing areas

Note: First, we are faced with high lime conditions in the soil and in the soil

Calcareous, phosphorus dynamics are mainly controlled by iron oxides and calcium carbonate

Becomes. The second issue is the placement of phosphorus-containing compounds near the environment

Rhizosphere and the last issue is considering the time required to release the element from

Fertilizer compounds to soil and transfer to rhizosphere environment in the area of ​​root uptake

That is time consuming. Efficient ammonium phosphate fertilizer composition in the field in

Pistachio orchards are working in the amount of 100 to 150 kg depending on the conditions

Garden variable is recommended.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 84
يکشنبه 10 بهمن 1400 زمان : 10:33

To improve saline and alkaline soils should be soluble pistachio shell salinity and alkalinity (sodium) of

The maximum range of root activity and the upper soil horizons are washed away. Use only

Fresh water is not recommended to improve alkaline saline soils. If used

Only fresh water leads to alkalinity of the soil, because by leaching ions

Calcium and magnesium are washed away and sodium ions remain. The severity of the problem is up

It is so much that the farmer after one to two washes with fresh water of the building

It destroys its soil so much that it destroys trees. To

For this reason, it is recommended to use calcium sulfate modifier when rinsing

Juicy or agricultural gypsum should be given to the soil. Use of concentrated sulfuric acid

It also has a role similar to agricultural gypsum, with the difference that it responds faster than gypsum

Gives. As a precaution, leaf acid is preferred. سدیم و

Exchangeable magnesium adhering to the surface of soil particles is not washed away by water alone. Calcium

Resulting from gypsum dissolution and acid substituted sodium and magnesium performance

Calcium sulphate in gypsum with sodium and magnesium released by calcium, salt

Produces sodium sulfate solution which is easily combined with additional solution salts

Washed salinity and saline and alkaline soils become a neutral and balanced soil in terms of

It becomes salt and alkalinity.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 80
شنبه 9 بهمن 1400 زمان : 10:20

One of the major problems and limitations of pistachio shell clay is its slowness

The permeability of this soil to water and air movement is ventilation. the door

Many clay soils are still wet after several days of irrigation

And is saturated with water. Long-term accumulation of water leads to impaired soil aeration

The plant's roots are damaged due to lack of oxygen. Level

Root damage in the case of plants such as the pistachio tree whose roots are relative to the condition

Ventilation is extremely sensitive, it is more intense. One of the most deliberate reasons that

The best soil texture for pistachio orchards, medium-grained sandy weaves

Sandy loam to loamy sand stated Hand, this is the sensitivity of the root of the pistachio tree

Due to lack of oxygen. To increase the permeability of clay soils

There are various ways to improve water and ventilation conditions in this land.

The most common way is to use sand to repair soil texture over the years

The latter has become very popular. There is no technical or economic justification for

There is no repair of clay soil texture by giving sand to this soil.

As can be seen within one to two years after adding sand to the soil

Clay No trace of sand can be seen even on the surface of the soil. Gravel added in between

Soil clay particles are lost. By definition, soil texture is the final percentage of particles

Minerals that make up the soil include: sand, silt and cla

Swimming is practiced and is done with pistachio dip. The difference between the three classes

Soil particles, ie sand, silt and clay, are just the physical size of these particles. generally,

Soil is called particles smaller than two millimeters. Particles larger than two millimeters

Soils are not considered soil components. The relative percentage of each of these

There are three groups of soil particles that determine soil texture. To modify and change

The soil texture should be added to the garden soil by adding soil that contains particles

The main action to be taken.

For example, to improve the texture of a heavy clay soil, you need sandy soil

Add the desired soil. Conversely to improve sandy soils can be from

Soils with a high percentage of clay were used. The important point here is the amount

It is soil that must be added to the main soil to change one to two percent sand or clay

Be. The amount of sand required to repair the texture of a clay to a depth of half a meter, several

There are a thousand trucks of sand, which is not justifiable at all

A one to two percent change in a soil texture component has no significant effect on change

It does not have the nature of primary soil.

Given the above and some other cases, the most economical way to correct

Adverse properties of a clay is the use of sulfuric acid. With

Use sulfuric acid as a modifier after two to three repetitions

Soil permeability is increased and the problem of soil aeration is solved at the same time.

By improving the ventilation status of a clay, growth and development conditions are an important part of

The causative agents of inflammatory diseases are eliminated.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 83
پنجشنبه 7 بهمن 1400 زمان : 10:35

One of the common pathogenic factors in pistachio orchards is the nematode pistachio shell agent that plagues many orchards Especially in soils with sandy and light texture. Sometimes The management of this factor is out of the hands of the gardener and in many cases the garden is abandoned Be. General weakness and jaundice of trees are the most prominent symptoms of this factor It is a pathogen that causes damage by creating nodules on the roots. about The nematode agent is important for the management of the pathogen. Use compounds that It can increase the plant's resistance to this factor Conditions help. The use of compounds with terpenoid-like structures can be high Win the plant's resistance to all pathogens that are strong in these conditions Recommended. Research results in this regard have shown the application of living agents Like the bacterium Bacillus subtilis, it has been able to control nematodes well In pistachio trees.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 101
چهارشنبه 6 بهمن 1400 زمان : 9:54

One of the common pathogens in pistachio orchards is pistachio shell the nematode agent that plagues many orchards

Especially in soils with sandy and light texture. Sometimes

The management of this factor is out of the hands of the gardener and in many cases the garden is abandoned

Be. General weakness and jaundice of trees are the most prominent symptoms of this factor

It is a pathogen that causes damage by creating nodules on the roots. about

The nematode agent, the management of the pathogen is important. Use compounds that

It can increase the plant's resistance to this factor

Conditions help. The use of compounds with terpenoid-like structures can be high

Win the plant's resistance to all pathogens that are strong in these conditions

Recommended. Research results in this regard have shown the application of living agents

Like the bacterium Bacillus subtilis, it has been able to properly control nematodes

In pistachio trees.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 84
سه شنبه 5 بهمن 1400 زمان : 10:13

Seedlings must have a certificate of racial and authenticity pistachio shell and a certificate of absence

Important fungal diseases Verticillium, Phytophthora and Fusarium, nematodes and quarantine pests

And other pathogenic pathogens and has a basic profile label. the base

Zarand almond is recommended.

In areas where the soils are infested with nematodes, pistachio cultivation with a domestic base

(Pistacia Vera) refuse and in case of compulsion to build a garden from the ground up

Coriander (Pistacia mutica) should be used. Recommended from potted seedlings

The height of the seedlings is more than 50 cm and their age is 13 months.

to be used. Place the seedlings properly dug in the hole, and after filling

Dig a pit with a mixture of good soil and well-rotted manure, the surrounding soil

The seedlings are pounded with their feet so that the soil particles are compressed as much as possible and the roots

Hold tight. After making these preparations, irrigation should be done.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 67
دوشنبه 4 بهمن 1400 زمان : 9:34

The first step in building pistachio orchards is to pistachio shell know the exact weather conditions

Area. Pistachio tree can be used in latitudes of 27-37 degrees north

Is cultivation. The most suitable altitude for pistachio tree cultivation

It is 900-1800 meters. Of course, the height of 1800-220 meters is also tolerable for pistachios

is. The most suitable ambient temperature during the growing season is 35-25 degrees

It should be noted that temperatures of 36 to 42 and 21 to 24 can also be used for pistachios

Is tolerable. One of the reasons for abortion and hollow pistachio crop is the degree of impact

High and low temperatures at the end of the growing season prevent fruit growth

Leads to miscarriage. It is also another influential factor in

Pistachio cultivation is the ambient temperature during the pollination season. Degree

The optimum temperature at the time of pollination is 22-86 degrees Celsius.

Pistachio tree should be grown in areas that need cooling during the season

Winter is over. To help awaken and grow buds and produce inflorescences and

Accelerate the growth of pistachio tree growth to at least 1000 hours of winter cold

2-7 degrees Celsius is required. If the sum of winter cold is less than 670

The flowering and leafing of the tree is delayed and the leaves are irregular

They become weaker and product production decreases. Pistachio tree temperature 45

It tolerates degrees Celsius in summer and 21 degrees Celsius in winter.

To have the maximum yield, the relative humidity in summer should be less than

35%, of course, the presence of lower amounts of relative humidity is also recommended because

Reduces fungal diseases. Increased relative humidity at the time of flowering and

Pollination reduces pollination efficiency and thus reduces fruit formation,

It also spreads fungal diseases when the fruit ripens.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 96
يکشنبه 3 بهمن 1400 زمان : 10:22

In areas where spring frosts cause death or pistachio shell damage in most years

The product is fruit trees, gardeners in various ways to reduce the effect

Cold or prevent damage. This is especially the case in

Areas of cultivation of early flowering fruit trees such as almonds and apricots are of particular importance

Enjoys. So that in most years, millions of tomans of damage to gardeners

These areas are entered. It is so important that the occurrence or non-occurrence

Cold affects the international prices of such products, especially almonds and apricots

In 1997, 50% of the pistachio crop was destroyed by cold.

Also in 2004, an average of 30% of pistachio production in the province

Kerman and some pistachio-growing areas were destroyed.

Although pistachios are not as early as almonds and apricots, but the cold and changes

The atmosphere created in the last few years has shown that pistachio is also one of the products

It is sensitive to spring cold and has a high probability of frost in the next few years

Climate change will not be unexpected. Therefore, considering the importance of pistachio product

In the country in terms of economy and currency, the need to apply methods to prevent

It is necessary from the spring cold. Generally in different parts of the world of this method

To prevent frostbite, they use:

1- Using fog generating machines

2- Using a special well system

3- Using smoke by turning on the tires

4- Sprinkler irrigation and creating ice cover on the canopy of trees

5- Moving cold and compressed air on the lower level of the garden with warmer air on the upper levels

Garden using powerful fans or flying helicopters on the garden surface.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 80
شنبه 2 بهمن 1400 زمان : 9:55

The first step in building pistachio orchards is to know pistachio shell the exact weather conditions

Area. Pistachio tree can be used in latitudes of 27-37 degrees north

Is cultivation. The most suitable altitude for pistachio tree cultivation

It is 900-1800 meters. Of course, the height of 1800-220 meters is also tolerable for pistachios

is. The most suitable ambient temperature during the growing season is 35-25 degrees

It should be noted that temperatures of 36 to 42 and 21 to 24 can also be used for pistachios

Is tolerable. One of the reasons for abortion and hollow pistachio crop is the degree of impact

High and low temperatures at the end of the growing season prevent fruit growth

Leads to miscarriage. It is also another influential factor in

Pistachio cultivation is the ambient temperature during the pollination season. Degree

The optimum temperature at the time of pollination is 22-86 degrees Celsius.

Pistachio tree should be grown in areas that need cooling during the season

Winter is over. To help awaken and grow buds and produce inflorescences and

Accelerate the growth of pistachio tree growth to at least 1000 hours of winter cold

2-7 degrees Celsius is required. If the sum of winter cold is less than 670

The flowering and leafing of the tree is delayed and the leaves are irregular

They become weaker and product production decreases. Pistachio tree temperature 45

It tolerates degrees Celsius in summer and 21 degrees Celsius in winter.

To have the maximum yield, the relative humidity in summer should be less than

35%, of course, the presence of lower amounts of relative humidity is also recommended because

Reduces fungal diseases. Increased relative humidity at the time of flowering and

Pollination reduces pollination efficiency and thus reduces fruit formation,

It also spreads fungal diseases when the fruit ripens.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,

تعداد صفحات : -1

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