Soil factors such as sex, texture, pH moisture and soil depth as well as pistachio shell plant factors such as root density, rootstock, fruiting rate and finally the age of the tree have a direct impact on how the plant is nourished. Also, environmental factors such as temperature, salinity and the presence of other ions are not without effect. The presence of each of them affects how the roots absorb nutrients from the soil. In addition, if one of the high or low consumption elements of nutrients in the soil is less than the desired level, the tree can not use the presence of other elements, so by eliminating the lack of elements must always maintain their balance in the soil. One of the important and influential factors in the absorption of soil nutrients is the presence of proper soil pH. PHs higher than 7.5 limit the solubility of most chemical elements such as zinc, copper, manganese, iron. On the contrary, pHs less than 7 also cause a lack of phosphorus, lime or poisoning caused by Fe-Al and Mn in pistachio tree.