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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته - صفحه 7
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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته

بازدید : 83
دوشنبه 22 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:20

Hosseini Fard mentioned factors such as cooler rain and increased relative pistachio shell humidity as a factor in reducing the movement of calcium in the plant and said: the supply of calcium in pistachio fruit is done by transpiration of the plant and calcium is directed from the leaf to the fruit. . In most cases, calcium is present in the leaves, but the fruit turns black. The reason for this complication is that during the formation of bony skin, the fruit has a high need for this element but is not able to absorb it from the leaves. "Research shows that heavy irrigation increases the risk of bone formation," he said. In response to the question why this complication did not exist in the past, Hosseini Fard pointed out: in order for the plant to absorb calcium, this element must be present in the soil. The results of research have shown that as the age of the gardens increases, the percentage of calcium sulfate (gypsum) in the soil decreases, because over time and over the years, this gypsum dissolves in irrigation water and from the soil profile. going out.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 100
يکشنبه 21 فروردين 1401 زمان : 9:55

What factors depend on the salinization of the soil in pistachio pistachio shell orchards?

Soil salinization is mainly due to external factors such as the quality and quantity of irrigation water, the use of chemical and animal fertilizers (animal fertilizers that feed on salt-loving plants) and bringing saline soils (silt and windy sand) It is related to the garden.

There are basically three forms of salt in soil:

Ions dissolved in soil solution

Positive ions adsorbed on the surface of soil particles and organic matter

Sedimented salts

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 173
شنبه 20 فروردين 1401 زمان : 14:06

How to improve alkaline soils?

Modification of alkaline (sodium) soils, like saline soils, in pistachio shell addition to the need for leaching (at least to the same extent) and drainage (especially in clay soils) requires the use of various modifiers such as gypsum and agricultural powdered sulfur, which accelerates the reform They become, too.

Also, the use of chemical fertilizers such as sulfate fertilizers (such as potassium sulfate, iron sulfate, zinc sulfate and…) and phosphorus (superphosphates) and organic fertilizers, especially animal (cattle) fertilizers in Chalkud can be useful in improving the growth of fruit trees. .

The amount of gypsum required to replace the exchangeable sodium ion is known as the "gypsum requirement". By adding gypsum to the soil ion calcium instead of sodium ion sitting on the surface of clay soils, water permeability and soil aeration (gas exchange) are improved. Estimation of gypsum needs of alkaline lands should be done with the opinion of experts.

Calcium from the dissolution of gypsum can reduce the absorption of magnesium and potassium. Therefore, it is very likely that a deficiency of one of the elements potassium and magnesium will appear in the trees. Therefore, leaf decomposition must be done in late July, the first half of August, because otherwise the incorrect use of gypsum may show us another result. In the following, we will explain the best type and method of applying gypsum to improve alkaline lands.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 107
پنجشنبه 18 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:32

Investigation of saline soils in different regions and how to improve this pistachio shell type of soil

In heavy soils such as the soil of Daq-e-Kabutarkhan-Rafsanjan region, where fine grains have a greater share in the composition of the texture, it is very important to improve saline soils by removing excess salts. These soils have the ability to retain and absorb more water and high food storage.

Modification of saline soils in relation to the removal of excess solutes from the development zone and root uptake requires:

Proper drainage, especially in heavy soils

Washing harmful salts with plenty of water from the roots of trees

Giving animal manure (cattle) in the form of chocolate

Remove ridges and saline soil from the garden surface

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 92
چهارشنبه 17 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:08

The role of copper in pistachio shell plants

This element is similar to zinc (ZN) in plants, except that its concentration is very low. Copper is usually present in sufficient quantities to meet the plant needs in uncovered soils that are low in organic matter and there is no shortage of such soils.

In soils with high organic matter (peat soils) copper deficiency can be expected if alkaline. In orchards that have long used animal and poultry manure, the amount of copper in the leaves of trees is very low.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 98
چهارشنبه 17 فروردين 1401 زمان : 9:57

The exporter of dried apple fruit, in order to have more orders and pistachio shell neighboring countries always order from there to meet the needs, must use first-class dried apples from strong and famous brands for export, which in turn attracts people who It attracts customers and obtains the satisfaction of the applicant, and ultimately increases the credibility of exporters, who in addition to quality fruit, must use products with lower prices and more amazing to export and market in the form of hygienic packaging. .

Exporter of dried apple fruit

Check the characteristics of dried fruit of grade 1 apple

Checking the characteristics of dried fruit of grade 1 apple One of the most important characteristics of dried fruit of grade 1 is its moisture content. This product has a moisture content of about two to three percent, which makes the apple crispy and improves its taste. Also, if the apple has low moisture, it will increase the shelf life of the product and can be used during this period without spoilage, which must be considered.

Dried apples have a great and unique taste so that by eating it, you feel satisfied and pleasant and the desire to eat increases and also it has a wonderful aroma that only gives the aroma of fresh apples and from any Perfume additives and chemicals are far away.

Dried apples should be one hand and one size so that all the diameters and rings are equal because one hand is a sign of moisture of the same size and also this type of food, should be healthy and without pests and should not suffer Be a hole or injury.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 113
سه شنبه 16 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:17

Manufacturers make every effort to be able to produce and pistachio shell produce every product in various fields at the best and highest quality level so that it can gain the trust of people at home and abroad and to date In this regard, they had made significant progress. Iranian producers, by producing organic dried fruits, were able to make Iran one of the developed countries, which has greatly contributed to the country's economic prosperity and exports.

Purchase price of organic dried fruit

Factors affecting the quality of first-class dried fruit

Factors affecting the quality of first-class dried fruit Factors affecting the quality of first-class dried fruit is that the fruit must be fresh away from any rot and worming. It has been tasted and has a good and delicious taste, has a very high shelf life and has been completely hygienically and organically dried.

Today, with the science of technology with advanced fully automatic machines, the fruit can be dried in the best possible way after complete cleaning and washing and in the fastest time without any damage. However, the most important effective factors for drying dried fruit are of great importance. It has a washing step that must be thoroughly washed and sanitized.

Some fruits need a kernel to dry the kernel and it must be separated and then contracted in the drying process, and this can be done easily with advanced equipment. Some fruits also need to be dried. They have ring slices that are ready for the sweetening stage, which are machines that cut fruits into rings and send them to the dryer.

After this process, dried fruit is prepared and offered to domestic and foreign markets. To prepare this product, you can refer to the agencies and reputable sites that represent this product. It is necessary to mention that one of the reputable sites of this site The buyer is ready to order and buy this product with the highest quality and the most appropriate price by visiting this site.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 94
يکشنبه 14 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:07

Fruit trees often have a shorter lifespan than pistachios, mostly pistachio shell between 10 and 50 years, while pistachio trees have several times the lifespan of fruit trees, so investing in pistachio cultivation will make the growing season longer and more economical.

Value of pistachio production compared to other agricultural products

The income from one hectare of pistachio orchard is much higher than other agricultural products if the necessary care is taken.

Export value of pistachios compared to other agricultural products

Pistachio is one of the major export products of Iran. In addition to its value in the country, it has many customers abroad. Therefore, it is considered as a valuable and export product. On the other hand, due to the limited number of pistachio producing countries and almost It is an exclusive product, therefore, due to the mass production and quality of Iranian pistachios, this product has been ranked first in the world markets among producers.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 99
پنجشنبه 11 فروردين 1401 زمان : 12:16

Tilling between rows of gardens to break hard layers of pistachio shell soil and using heavier machines to break hard layers of soil and soften it as long as it is at least 120 cm away from the tree will be effective in permeating the garden soil.

The use of light or heavy machines, either one-way or two-way, although it damages part of the roots, despite this soil remediation, compensates for the lack of damaged roots and prepares them to create new roots. Better results will be obtained if mechanical soil remediation operations are carried out once a year in the autumn after harvest when the soil is dry.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 103
سه شنبه 9 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:25

In recent decades, the increasing incidence of insecticide resistance pistachio shell has highlighted the need for a reliable method to assess the severity of resistance and the extent of its dispersion. Biometric method using pheromone traps is one of the acceptable methods to detect the susceptibility of Lepidoptera to insecticides. This method was first used by Riddle et al. (1985) to evaluate the susceptibility of apple butterfly moths to the insecticide Azinfus methyl. The bioassay method involves collecting a large number of male butterflies inside the trap and testing for resistance by contacting insecticides or by combining insecticides with glue.

Pheromones in Iranian pests

The most important advantage of using this bioassay method compared to other methods of resistance testing is that a large population of pests can be tested without incurring cost and time to raise larvae and increase pest population. One of the limitations of using this method is that the study of the phenomenon of resistance to gastrointestinal insecticides such as (Neonicotinoid, IGR) can not be evaluated (Mehrazin, 2009).

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,

تعداد صفحات : -1

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