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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته

بازدید : 60
دوشنبه 5 ارديبهشت 1401 زمان : 10:33

Getting rid of reliance on single-product exports explains the need to move pistachio shell towards recognizing new export talents with comparative export advantages.

Considering the economic importance of pistachio exports in the national economy and considering the global competition in the market of this product and the high potential of this product for export, the purpose of this article is to study the Iranian pistachio export market during the period 2006-2009 and also to study the position. And the degree of competition (comparative advantage) of this product is among the major exporting countries in the world.

In this study, RCA, RSCA and HI were used to evaluate the comparative competitive advantage and X2, MI and CTB indices were used to evaluate the specialization. The results show that Iran, USA, Germany and Hong Kong have a comparative competitive advantage in pistachio exports.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 86
يکشنبه 4 ارديبهشت 1401 زمان : 10:02

Full-blown insects are uniformly green and lack white spots at the pistachio shell end of the spike. Overwintering in the form of complete insects in red brick or copper color and under the bark of the trunks of trees such as turmeric, paddy, elm and دارای has 3 to 5 nymphal ages. This insect is found in pistachio orchards from fruit formation to ripening and harvest.

Brown age has one generation per year and feeds on different hosts such as pistachios, berries, elms, apricots, etc. and has less population and economic importance than previous species.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 96
پنجشنبه 1 ارديبهشت 1401 زمان : 10:50

Factors and conditions that cause the growth and pistachio shell increase of psyllid population in gardens:

Execution of the first time spraying or spraying at the time of flowering: This spraying is done against pests such as pistachio wood-eating moths, fruit-eating moths, pistachio weevils, chanterelles (juicy), etc. If toxins are used in this spraying that do not affect the psyllid pest, it will increase the resistance and growth of the psyllid population.

If a toxin is used for the first time that stimulates the spawning of the psyllid and shortens the duration of a generation (such as thiodicarb, metacystox and fention), the psyllid will erupt.

Frequent spraying and mixing of toxins together, which completely eliminates natural enemies and increases the population of pistachio pests.

If pesticides are used against pistachio psyllids that do not have a sufficient effect on pest mortality (such as zolone), it will increase the population.

If the garden is sprayed at a time when all stages of the pest life, including eggs, purees and insects are seen and also a lot of sugar is produced on the surface of the leaves, the effect of the pest will decrease and after a while the pest population will increase. Slowly

Excessive use of nitrogen chemical fertilizers, especially urea and ammonium sulfate in the warm months of the year at the plot levels, as well as chloropotassium fertilizer, provide the conditions for population growth.

The use of poultry manure alone and in large quantities also increases the population of psyllids.

Poor soil in terms of nutrients and unsuitable soil texture are also factors in population growth, sandy soils and clay and hard soils due to lack of moisture absorption and maintenance due to long irrigation period faster contaminated with pests گردند.

The uneven surface of the plots, which means that the trees at high altitudes are not well irrigated and have less moisture.

Do not use manure, plowing and deep plowing in gardens for a long time.

Dense planting of trees and not observing proper distances and pruning operations.

Existence of many weeds in the garden from June onwards.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 79
سه شنبه 30 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:13

Direct purchase of dried oranges has caused this dried fruit to reach pistachio shell customers at a very reasonable price, which is in the interest of both the producer and the consumer. The buyer can be both directly and in person and online. Buy it. Sales of dried oranges have increased a lot today, which is one of the reasons for its many properties, which all people have realized its unique properties, which in addition to the people of Iran, people in other countries have also realized its properties, and because many Your health. They want to import this product to their own country, which is why these dried oranges are exported to the requesting countries in very stylish packages.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 106
دوشنبه 29 فروردين 1401 زمان : 9:37

This explanation is necessary in order to emphasize the absence of car pistachio pistachio shell trees (of ordinary pistachio type) in the land of Palestine, and also to confirm the existence of carrots and green beans in the form of cars and in those areas from ancient times to the time of my life. Take it into account.

Western sources also sometimes point to the fact that ordinary pistachio trees did not exist in Palestine. In some of these sources it is said: The general opinion is that the pistachio mentioned by Prophet Ya'qub (AS) is what the Arabs call Batum.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 68
يکشنبه 28 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:20

Second, to try to deal with Iranian pistachios in international pistachio shell markets. To that end, they should have increased the U.S. pistachio crop, which they identified as achieving these goals by activating the California Pistachio Commission or Association.

California gardeners have united under the auspices of the union's strong organization and, with the full support of the government and with vast capital resources, have developed pistachio orchards and increased yields in various scientific, professional, research, technological, and advertising fields. .

So that the amount of American pistachio production in 1993 reached about 80,000 tons. Thus, the most important and major customer of Iranian pistachios, for about a century, has now become a very strong competitor and in the fields of production and global trade of pistachios, has risen against Iran.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 85
شنبه 27 فروردين 1401 زمان : 9:31

The following are the only recommendations that can be useful in pistachio shell prevention until a suitable method is found to definitively control such fungi:

Pistachio pests and insectivores should be controlled in a timely manner. Because feeding worms or larvae of these insects from pistachio kernels and placing their excrement in pistachios provides a suitable environment for the spread and growth of these fungi.

In harvesting, the pistachios collected from the tree should not come into contact with the soil and other contaminants, and secondly, the harvested crop should be large enough to remove the soft skin on them on the same day.

Therefore, pistachios with soft skin should not be piled on top of each other for several hours, because the natural moisture of soft skin spreads into the seeds and at the resulting temperature, the environment is prone to mold and provides favorable living conditions for poisonous fungi. In addition, it changes the natural color of the hard skin of pistachios as well as the kernel.

Secondly, pistachios collected from the ground and also from branches that were in contact with the soil should not be mixed with healthy garden produce.

Fourth, damaged pistachio seeds, the appearance of which indicates pest and disease, should be separated during harvest.

Fifth, separating the soft shell with dry peeling machines has the advantage that it does not create a wet and humid environment inside the pistachio, and thus prevents the spread or growth of such fungi in the brain area, unlike in peeling machines. Blue provides this background.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 86
پنجشنبه 25 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:43

The most widely used herbicide used in pistachio orchards in pistachio shell Iran Glyphosate is used to control a wide range of herbicides in pistachio orchards, especially chicken, and is a non-selective herbicide. Young trees are very sensitive to glyphosate and care should be taken not to spill the herbicide on the leaves. In the case of weeds such as poultry, where plowing or mechanical control that causes them to spread and spread, the use of glyphosate herbicide can be effective. Destroying underground stems (rhizomes) should be repeated spraying.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 97
چهارشنبه 24 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:33

Manual and mechanical harvesting were compared by the number of pistachio shell trees harvested per hour (hours / tree). Harvest time of one kilogram of pistachios (min / kg), harvest time by one person to harvest one kilogram of pistachios (min / kg-person). The results are shown in the table below.

To compare the apparent yield of one tree (fresh fruit) and the number of trees per hectare, it was assumed to be 30-25 kg per tree and 100 trees per hectare. The highest harvest was obtained by mechanical harvesting. The average time required to harvest a tree was 4.82 minutes. It takes 1.56 minutes for mechanical harvesting of one kilogram of pistachios by the labor force.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 98
سه شنبه 23 فروردين 1401 زمان : 10:43

Hosseini Fard mentioned factors such as cooler rain and increased relative pistachio shell humidity as a factor in reducing the movement of calcium in the plant and said: the supply of calcium in pistachio fruit is done by transpiration of the plant and calcium is directed from the leaf to the fruit. . In most cases, calcium is present in the leaves, but the fruit turns black. The reason for this complication is that during the formation of bony skin, the fruit has a high need for this element but is not able to absorb it from the leaves. "Research shows that heavy irrigation increases the risk of bone formation," he said. In response to the question why this complication did not exist in the past, Hosseini Fard pointed out: in order for the plant to absorb calcium, this element must be present in the soil. The results of research have shown that as the age of the gardens increases, the percentage of calcium sulfate (gypsum) in the soil decreases, because over time and over the years, this gypsum dissolves in irrigation water and from the soil profile. going out.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,

تعداد صفحات : -1

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