1- Relative humidity of the air: It is more important in the pistachio shell absorption of systemic and penetrating toxins and in the case of
Contact toxins have little effect.
2- Sunlight: It directly affects the durability of the poison on the spraying surfaces because the ultraviolet rays
The sun's purple breaks down the toxin molecule, reducing its effectiveness
3- Wind flow: causes the movement of poison particles (more than 10 kilometers per hour) and on the other hand
It causes uneven distribution and wind of toxins.
4- Physical structure of the plant: Slip of toxic particles in waxy leaves, as well as density
The top of the leaves of the plants and the lack of access of all the leaves to the poison reduce the effect of the poison.
5- Ambient temperature: High temperature can cause toxic particles to evaporate before reaching
Be targeted.
6- Concentration and volume of poison used: in crops in terms of weight unit or volume per unit area
It must be calculated accurately.