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منبع رسمی مقالات بهترین پسته

بازدید : 30
دوشنبه 31 مرداد 1401 زمان : 11:04

How Pistachio Shells Could Be Turned Into Fuel

Let's face it, the human population is growing and the demand for resources is increasing every single day. Although, for the past few hundred years we've been largely dependent on fossil fuels, we've been starting to see a push for renewable sources of energy such as solar energy and wind energy. Your bowl of pistachio ice cream might be able to help with that. pistachio shell

A newly published article in the May 2017 issue of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews suggests that we could turn pistachio waste into biofuel. Although biofuels have faced some controversy over the concern that biofuel crops compete with land used for food crops, this study shows that we could potentially turn a waste product into a valuable source of energy.

Back up, What's a Biofuel?

Photo by Sandis Helvigs | Unsplash

sandishelvigs on unsplash

Biofuels are fuels that are made from plants, such as corn, wheat, or even algae. While petroleum is technically an ancient biofuel, we call them fossil fuels because they are made from decomposed plants and animals from millions of years ago. Biofuels are not carbon-neutral because it takes energy to collect and process the plants and because carbon is released into the air when it is burned. However, biofuels are renewable resources; if we need more biofuel, we can grow more plants.

So, What's the Deal With Pistachios?

The authors of the study first looked at the amount of pistachio waste being produced in Iran, the largest producer of pistachios in the world. Then they looked at several ways of generating energy from biomass.

The authors concluded that over 100 million cubic meters of biogas, 200 million cubic meters of bio-oil, and over 45 million liters of ethanol could be produced from pistachio waste in Iran. The amount of ethanol produced alone would fill 18 Olympic-sized swimming pools, and have a value of over 11 million US dollars. Not only does this turn waste into something useful, but could also help improve the livelihood of pistachio farmers. Turning shells into fuel– it's not nuts!

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 43
يکشنبه 30 مرداد 1401 زمان : 11:21

Can You Eat Pistachio Shells?

Pistachios are delicious, nutritious nuts that are high in protein and fiber.

They also happen to be very good for you. pistachio shell

But did you know that they can also be a great source of energy?

Pistachios are native to Iran and Afghanistan.

The word comes from the Persian word pisstakh meaning “pistachio nut”.

These nuts are rich in antioxidants and contain lots of vitamins and minerals.

You can eat them whole or grind them into flour.

If you want to get the most out of these tasty nuts, try grinding them into flour.

This way, you can enjoy their benefits without having to chew through the shells

Can You Eat Pistachio Shells?

Yes, you can eat pistachio shells. Pistachios are nuts from the pistachio tree. They are usually eaten raw, but they can also be roasted, salted, dried, ground into flour, or used in baking. Pistachios are very nutritious because they are rich in protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, vitamin B6, folate, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, calcium, selenium, and omega 3 fatty acids.

Why Are Pistachios Sold In Their Shells?

Pistachios are sold in their shells because they are easier to handle and store. They are also easier to snack on while traveling. How many calories are in pistachios? Answer: A serving of pistachios contains about 80 calories. What is the difference between pistachios and almonds? Answer: Pistachios and almonds are two different types of nuts. Almonds are slightly smaller than pistachios. Both of these nuts are delicious and healthy.

What Happens If You Eat Pistachio Shells?

If you eat the shell of a pistachio nut, you will not get any nutritional value from it. It is only good for cleaning your teeth.

Learn More: What is the best time to eat watermelon?

What Are The Health Benefits Of Pistachios?

Pistachios are rich in fiber, protein, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, vitamin B6, folate, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, sodium, and omega 3 fatty acids. Pistachios are also low in calories, fat, cholesterol, and saturated fats.

What Are Other Uses Of Pistachio Shells?

Pistachio shells are used to make different products such as: 1. Pistachio shell powder is used as a natural colorant in ice cream, yogurt, and milk shakes. 2. Pistachio shells are also used as a replacement for cocoa beans in chocolate making.


Pistachios mulch is a great way to help beautify your garden. It helps prevent weeds from growing and keeps soil moist.

Fire Kindling:

Mulch is a layer of organic material such as leaves, grass clippings, straw, wood chips, pine needles, peat moss, bark, sawdust, composted manure, shredded paper, or any other organic material. Mulching is used to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, improve soil structure, and protect plants against frost.

Drainage For Potted Plants:

Pots are usually filled with drainage holes to allow excess water to drain away from the plant roots. This prevents root rot and allows air circulation around the roots. Drainage holes can be found on the bottom of the pot, near the rim, or even on the sides. How to Make Your Own Soap: Answer: To make soap, you need to combine lye sodium hydroxide with oils and fats. Lye is available in powder form and liquid form. It comes in different strengths depending on what type of soap you are making. For example, if you are making bar soap, you will need a stronger lye solution. Lye reacts with the fats and oils to create fatty acids and glycerin. Glycerin is a natural moisturizer that helps prevent skin dryness.

Learn More: What happens if you eat expired jelly?

Pest Deterrent:

To deter pests such as ants, spiders, cockroaches, and silverfish, you can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Mix equal parts of each ingredient together and apply to surfaces where pests tend to congregate. Baking soda is a mild abrasive that will remove dirt and grime from the surface. Vinegar is a strong acid that will kill any bugs that touch it.


If you have a yard, composting is a great way to recycle organic waste into fertilizer. Composting is simply breaking down organic matter like leaves, grass clippings, vegetable scraps into smaller pieces and adding it back into the soil. This helps plants absorb nutrients and improves soil structure. It’s easy to get started – just take a shovel full of organic material and spread it around your garden. Then wait about 6 weeks and dig it back into the ground.

Are Pistachios Shells Poisonous?

Pistachios are rich in fiber, protein, vitamin E, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, and vitamins B6 and C. Pistachios are also low in calories about 80 per ounce and fat 1 gram.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 114
سه شنبه 25 مرداد 1401 زمان : 10:19

Wonderful Pistachios: Should You Buy Them In The Shell?

Pistachios Bag

I’m a sucker for a good deal, so when I see delicious food at Sam’s Club, I have to resist the urge to stuff it into the already-packed shopping cart. But the last time we went to Sam’s, I saw that Wonderful Pistachios (the brand, although they are inherently wonderful) come in a 3-pound bag in the shell or a 1.5-pound bag already de-shelled. pistachio shell

The Question

Which bag has the lowest cost per unit of pistachio seeds? To clarify, a pistachio seed is what is inside the shell. So for our purposes moving forward, you should assume that when I say seed, I mean a shelled pistachio.

The Hypothesis

I hypothesize that the 3-pound bag of unshelled (shells on) pistachios will have a lower cost per unit of seeds than the 1.5-pound bag of shelled (shells pre-removed) pistachios.

Removing shells takes additional processing at the factory.

Additional processing requires additional engineering, factory workers, machinery, and maintenance.

Those extras cost additional money.

Companies pass extra costs on to consumers, especially when it makes the product more convenient for the consumer.

Pistachios that come pre-shelled are more convenient for the consumer.

Therefore, the cost per unit of seeds will be higher for a product that is more convenient for the consumer and takes more resources to produce for the company.

The Experiment

I decided to put an end to my curiosity by removing the shells from an entire 3-pound bag and weighing the resultant seeds. I was extremely careful to fully separate the seed from its shell and “husk” (the paper-like cover that surrounds many of the seeds after you remove the shell). I captured all of the shells and husks in one bin and all of the seeds in another. The entire process took about four solid hours which I completed over the course of two weeks as I watched TV. My thumbs were so sore from the combination of the salt and sharp edges of the shells that I had to take at least a day off between each session. Until…my new favorite tool arrived in the mail, after which I promptly finished off the bag and excitedly began the weighing process.

The Results

Turns out my hypothesis was totally wrong!

3-pound bag

(in shell) 1.5-pound bag

(seeds only)

Cost $17.98 $14.98

Weight 1361 g 680 g

Weight of Shells 720 g N/A

Weight of Seeds 675 g 689 g*

Percent Yield 50% (of advertised)

48% (of actual) 101%*

Prep. Time 4 hours N/A

Cost Per Gram of Seeds 2.664 ¢/g 2.174 ¢/g

Winner ✓

*I assumed that the actual yield of seeds in the 1.5-pound bag was 10% (68 g) less than the advertised weight (680 g). This follows my typical experience with weights on consumer packaged goods. When my pistachios run out, I’ll buy the pre-shelled bag and weigh it so I have an actual figure. Update: I bought the pre-shelled pistachios. To my surprise, the weight of the seeds was actually more than they advertised on the bag. It was supposed to be 1.5 pounds (680 g) but turned out to be 689 g! So the cost is now even lower per gram of seeds than I had initially posted.

What should you do?

Buy the pre-shelled pistachios! You will save approximately four hours of your life and also spend less money. Win-win! So unless you are a glutton for punishment, just take the easy way out. For once, it’s the smart thing to do.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 52
دوشنبه 24 مرداد 1401 زمان : 10:45

You've Been Shelling Pistachios All Wrong

Pistachios are always a great snack to satisfy the tastebuds, and you can also use them in a whole range of difference recipes.

From pistachio ice cream, to sprinkling some on top of a cake or even adding some extra crunch as a chicken topping, the possibilities are endless.

pistachio shell

One thing that has stumped foodies is removing pistachios from their shell. Take it from us, it can get messy and let's face it, anything that makes everyday tasks a little bit easier are always welcomed.

Cue TikToker @motorcityeats, who has revealed the best way to remove a pistachio seeds from their shells and we can't believe we never tried this method before.

Watch the clip below:

While some people rip them op

“I always thought you had to rip your fingernails off in the process,” one TikTok user joked in the comments.

How do you open pistachios? (Credit: Unsplash)

While someone else quipped: “Thought the right way was licking all the salt off first lol #proper”.

Another surprised woman asked: “So no one shoves them in their mouth and uses their teeth LMFAOO”.

In fact, there were lots of stories about teeth almost breaking from people trying to open pistachio seeds: “If you haven’t nearly broken a tooth trying to open one, have you really eaten them?” said another TikTok commenter.

People are just realising how to remove the shell from pistachios. (Credit: Unsplash)

One person said: “So u mean to tell me I’ve been ripping open my fingertips my whole life for no reason?”

Some commenters asked how to use the method to open pistachios where the shell is completely or virtually closed. Thankfully, one woman in the comments had a solution: “For those ones I use half of another shell to easily pry it open”.

Never have we wanted to buy a bag of pistachios more than right now!

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 82
يکشنبه 23 مرداد 1401 زمان : 10:52


Unlike other nuts such as walnuts, cashews, or pecans, pistachios develop a natural split in their shells during the growing process, which means that they don’t need to be fully shelled to be roasted, salted and flavored. By eliminating this step in the production process, growers can keep their costs down, and consumers get to enjoy the satisfying process of shelling their pistachios at home. pistachio shell

The only problem with buying shell-on pistachios is that you usually end up with a great big pile of pistachio shells to throw away. But rather than putting them in the garbage, here are four things that you can do with them.


If you’ve ever tried to keep a houseplant alive, then you know the struggle that is providing proper drainage. Without adequate drainage, when watered, houseplants can get root-rot and die, so it is essential to add some form of drainage to your pot if you want your plant to live a long and happy life. Believe it or not, pistachio shells are actually the perfect drainage medium for house plants, allowing excess water to drain away from the soil. Simply give your shells a rinse and then add them to your pot before filling the rest with soil.


Just like all other organic matter, pistachio shells will also compost down into a nutritious growing medium for your plants when added to your compost bin. To speed up the process, you may want to consider soaking them in water for 24 hours before tossing them into your compost, but this extra step isn’t wholly necessary if you don’t mind waiting for a little longer.


If you have children or like to try your hand at arts and crafts, then give your pistachio shells a rinse and then let them dry before keeping them aside to use in your next arts and crafts session. A super simple craft that you can make with pistachio shells is a soothing rain stick, or check out some of these other ideas such as pistachio fish scales or a painted pistachio necklace. There are literally hundreds of ways that a pistachio shell can be used in arts and crafts if you have the imagination.


Last but not least, pistachio shells are exceptionally porous, and so they hold onto scent very effectively, making them an excellent fixative in a potpourri blend. Simply soak your pistachio shells in your chosen essential oils for a few hours so that they can absorb the smell, and then dry them before mixing them in with the rest of your potpourri. You can keep them natural or decorate them if desired.

So there you have it - the next time you find yourself looking at a pile of empty pistachio shells rather than seeing rubbish, we hope you see a whole host of possibilities.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 43
شنبه 22 مرداد 1401 زمان : 11:40

Is it okay to burn pistachio shells?

There are so many uses for nutshells, it’s explosive! Nutshells, including those from pistachios, almonds and pecans, make fantastic fire kindling. pistachio shell

Are pistachios shells flammable?

“Pistachio nuts are highly flammable when stored in large quantities, and are prone to self-heating and spontaneous combustion.”

What can I do with old pistachio shells?

Practical uses include:

as a fire starter; kindling to be used with crumpled paper;

to line the bottom of pots containing houseplants for drainage and retention of soil for up to two years;

as a mulch for shrubs and plants that require acid soils, as a medium for orchids;

Can pistachio nut shells be composted?

Nutshells like pistachio shells are good for composting. Compost also lowers your carbon footprint by reducing the use of chemical fertilizers. The shells may take a few years to decompose, so they make the compost less heavy, even though they add bulk. Pistachio shells also help with water retention.

How long does it take for pistachio shells to decompose?

3 years

Pistachio shells: Pistachio shells decompose slowly and can take several years to biodegrade completely in a compost pile. Since compost piles offer more ideal conditions to decompose than a natural environment, it is likely pistachio shells will take even longer than 3 years to biodegrade in the outdoors.

Can you burn nut shells?

When you burn any organic matter like wood or walnut shells, the smoke contains lots of elements like hydrogen and methane. Just about any organic matter can be burned and used to make electricity. Walnut shells are abundant in California and you don’t have to drill into the earth for fuel like you do with oil.

What can you do with nut shells?

Walnut shells can be used for cleaning and polishing, as a filler in dynamite, and as a paint thickening agent. Shells from pecans, almonds, Brazil nuts, acorns, and most other nuts are useful in composting.

How long does it take for a pistachio shell to decompose?

Do pistachio shells open naturally?

Pistachios are grown on trees and have naturally tan shells. As the pistachio nut grows, it expands until it pops its shell open. Sometimes, pistachio shells don’t open on their own. Often, this is caused by immature kernels that don’t grow properly.

Why you should not throw away banana peels?

Why you should not throw away banana peels? It turns out, the banana peel that you don’t think twice about before throwing away is the healthiest part of the fruit! It may sound gross, but you can actually eat raw banana peel. Boosts your mood, as the peel contains amino acids which triggers serotonin. …

Do nut shells make good compost?

Nut shells like pistachio shells are good for composting. The outer shells may take a few years to decompose, so they make the compost less heavy, even though they add bulk. Other types of nuts also can be used in your compost bin or pile. Shells from peanuts make excellent compost, but again, avoid salted peanuts.

What can you do with an unsalted pistachio shell?

Unsalted pistachio shells can be used in the garden (and beyond!) in a myriad of ways. If you have a preference for salted pistachios, simply rinse them well and let them dry before using them anywhere near plants and soil. Excess sodium in soil is toxic to plants and will cause them to wilt.

Are there any health benefits to eating pistachios?

As a tasty and guilt-free snack, these seeds are quite good for you. Chock full of fiber, protein, and healthy fats, pistachios contain a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals too. If you’re chowing down on pistachios regularly, you might be wondering what – if anything – can be done with the shells.

What’s the best way to compost pistachio shells?

When all else fails, pistachio shells are a terrific bulky “brown” material for the compost. Another option is to soak whole shells in a bucket of water overnight to soften them. The next day, dump the pistachio shells, along with the water, into your compost heap.

How much soil do you need for a pistachio plant?

Herbs, lettuce, and other smaller plants need only 12 inches of soil while tomatoes and other larger specimens would be better off with 24 to 36 inches of soil. As an added bonus, pistachio shells will assist with drainage so the plant’s root system is never sitting in water.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 48
چهارشنبه 19 مرداد 1401 زمان : 11:15

Can You Compost Pistachio Shells? (And Are They Biodegradable?)


When someone tells you ‘you must be nuts!’, do you get mad or feel bad about yourself? Well, don’t! Nuts are known to contain essential nutrients and can aid weight loss and heart and gut health. Some of the world’s most famous nuts include peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and of course pistachios. pistachio shell

Pistachio nuts are not only tasty and fun to eat but also super healthy. They contain healthy fats and are a good source of protein, fiber, and antioxidants. Apart from the nutty and sweet part that is consumed, the other common thing with the pistachio is the exterior shell. They are not edible and are most likely thrown away or used for decorative purposes. This article looks into composting pistachio shells and tries to explain if they can be composted.

Contents [show]

Are Pistachio Shells Compostable?

Luckily for you, pistachio shells are compostable. Nutshells like pistachio shells are good for composting. Using compost, including that made of pistachio shells, is one of the best ways to nourish your plants.

Not only does it retain moisture, enrich the soil, and fight against insects and plant diseases, compost is better for the environment than many commercially produced fertilizers. Compost also lowers your carbon footprint by reducing the use of chemical fertilizers.

The shells may take a few years to decompose, so they make the compost less heavy, even though they add bulk. Pistachio shells also help with water retention. The compost might not be applicable for use for sowing small seeds or potting on delicate baby plants, but the shells can make good compost, fine for your vegetable patch or flower beds.

You should be careful not to add the shells as a whole as they are directly into the composting bin. If you add them whole, be prepared to wait for two years or more before they completely decompose. Instead of simply tossing them like that, be sure to crush them first. If they are broken into pieces or a fine powder, they decompose more quickly.

You should also use unsalted pistachio shells for the composting bin or pile. Salted pistachios are not bad while in the bin unless you are composting only a few and if the pile is large enough. Too much salt in the composting bin will contaminate the soil. The salt also kills any microorganisms and natural bacteria in the compost, delaying the composting process.

As such, to be on the safer side, just use unsalted pistachio nut shells in your compost. You can also soak the salted shells overnight to get the salt off the shells. Oh, and for the record, other nuts and nut shells can be used in the compost bin, but then again, avoid salted nuts and nutshells.

See also 15 Extraordinary Houseplants That Can Survive the Harsh Winter Cold

Pistachio shells are a terrific bulky ‘brown’ material for compost. Browns are materials that are carbon-rich and will add structure to your compost and aeration to the pile. They are hard and slow to degrade, but you can speed up the process considerably by crushing them up before tossing them in.

Another option is to soak whole shells in a bucket of water overnight to soften them. The next day, dump the pistachio shells, along with the water, into your compost heap.

Composting pistachio shells reduces the levels of methane emissions from landfills, reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers and encourages the production of beneficial fungi and bacteria that break down organic matter to create humus. Composting also helps the soil retain moisture, enriches it, and suppresses pests and plant diseases.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 107
سه شنبه 18 مرداد 1401 زمان : 10:47

Why Pistachios Are Sold in Their Shells

roasted pistachios both in and out of their shells

The pistachio tree (Pistacia vera) originated in Central Asia. JTYLER/GETTY IMAGES

In recent years, pistachios have been getting a lot of attention, and not just because of those clever TV commercials featuring Snoop Dogg eating them out of a pill bottle and Ernie the elephant falling off a treadmill. Americans consumed close to 100 metric tons of pistachios in 2013, the most recent year available, which works out to just about 11.4 ounces (323 grams) per person, according to International Nut & Dried Fruit, a nut industry organization. That represented a more than 60 percent increase compared to just four years earlier. pistachio shell

Why are we eating so many pistachios? One reason, obviously, is that we like the taste. But pistachios also have developed a reputation as a guilt-free snack with plenty of nutritional benefits, rich in unsaturated fats, fiber and antioxidants. Research suggests that pistachios could help to reduce hypertension and promote development of beneficial gut microbes. They're even gaining credibility as a tool for weight loss — partly because, like other nuts, they give a person a full feeling, and partly because the extra work needed to crack their shells and extract them helps to slow down consumption. In one 2011 study, subjects who snacked on pistachios they had to remove from their shells consumed 41 percent fewer calories than those who were given pistachios with the shells already removed.

But that leads to another question. Why are pistachios one of the few nuts commonly sold to consumers with their shells still attached?

To roast and salt nuts like walnuts or cashews, producers need to remove the protective shell. But the reason that's not so for pistachios? Between 70 and 90 percent of pistachios develop a natural split in their shells during the growing process, says University of California, Davis pistachio expert Louise Ferguson, co-author of the "Pistachio Production Manual." After those pistachios are shaken off the trees by harvesting machines, they can be salted and roasted while still inside the shells as that natural crack allows heat and salt access to the nut, eliminating a step in the industrial process and saving processors some money.

Full Width

To harvest pistachios, growers use a machine aptly called a shaker to shake the nuts loose from their trees and catch them as they fall.


"The pistachios that split naturally generally are your larger nuts," says Ferguson.

Only the minority of nuts that don't split on their own are run through industrial shell-removing machines. Though some experts think the unsplit nuts might be less mature than the split variety, Ferguson said there really isn't much of a discernible taste difference.

"By the time you get them, they've been roasted, anyway," she says.

Most of the pistachios without shells end up being used in cooking, and to make products such as pistachio ice cream. Ferguson adds that pistachio use as a recipe ingredient is a growing trend in the industry.

Assuming that you're not a person who enjoys the sensual experience of cracking the shell and extracting a pistachio, which is a better deal to buy — with shells, or without? A whole single pistachio, shell and all, weighs about 0.02 ounces (0.57 grams), and the kernel or nutmeat — that is, the portion of the pistachio that you eat — makes up about 53 percent of that weight. You might suspect that would make pistachios without shells cheaper. But if you look at the prices charged by retailers, pistachios without shells tend to be more than twice as expensive per ounce as the ones in shells, so all you save is the trouble of extracting them, and pay a hefty fee for that luxury.

And if you're going to shell your own pistachios, give this ingenious method of cracking open pistachio shells: BuzzFeed suggests using a spent shell as leverage to pop open the next nut.

Now That's Interesting

Pistachios weren't cultivated in the United States until 1930, when botanist William E. Whitehouse went to Iran and returned with 20 pounds (9 kilograms) of nuts that he used to grow pistachio trees.

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 54
چهارشنبه 12 مرداد 1401 زمان : 10:36

Pistachio Shell Powder

I.N.C.I.: Pistacia Vera (Pistachio) Shell Powder, CAS #: 90082-81-8

Natural Pistachio Shell Powder is a high quality ingredient for different applications…

To process our pistachio shell powder,l the raw materia, the pistachio shell, is ground and sieved either into fine powders or coarser granules. It comes from local sources within a maximum of 400kg and is diligently screened to comply with the highest quality standards. Availability is very good because pistachio cultivation in Spain has become increasingly interesting in the last few years. According to official sources, 25,000 acres of land are occupied with pistachio trees. Most pistachios are grown in the regions of Castilla-La Mancha, Andalucia and Aragón. pistachio shell

Benefits of Pistachio and its Components

There has been an ever growing demand for pistachios on the local and international market. Pistachios (i.e. the soft nut inside the shell) are rich in proteins and fibres, B vitamins as well as thiamin, manganese, magnesium and iron. They are considered a "superfood" and have found their way into nutritious health foods, vegan/vegetarian dishes, sweets and cereal mixes.

Pistachio Shell Granules in Personal Care

Pistachio shells have a characteristic beige to white color. Therefore, the powder is very light, in some instances even similar to natural marble granules. This unique hue makes pistachio shell granules a versatile bio-based ingredient. In small micron ranges (0-300μm) ithas a high opacity combined with good dispersion behavior and a soft texture. As a sought after natural ingredient, pistachio shell granules is mainly used by cosmetic formulators as a

skin abrasive or exfoliator in body, face, hand, foot, lip and scalp scrubs

dental abrasive to enhance the mechanical cleaning effect of toothpastes

whitening agent, i.e. for vegan and all-natural face powders and makeup foundations

rheology modifier in solid and semi-liquid formulae (e.g. creams, balms, decorative cosmetics)

carrier for pigments, aromas and perfumes

substrate for biodegradable glitter

soap texturizer or as peeling grains in soap making

Mechanical Properties and Material Science Applications of Pistachio Shell Powder

Due to the hardness of the pistachio shell (approx. 3.5 according to Mohs), a variety of micron ranges are possible. Similar to walnut shell granules and olive stone powder, we make bespoke powder grades of pistachio shells to optimize the result in material science. More and more manufacturers of conventional plastics and wood-based materials seek a top-quality, bio-based ingredient as a replacement for synthetic micro particles to create innovative materials. This includes

composites (e.g. wood-plastic composites): in many instances, our bio-powders are powerful substitutes for polyethylene or polyurethane fillers. Besides, lightweight applications benefit from the relatively low density of pistachio shell powder. In contrast to heavy calcium carbonate or other mineral powders, fruit stone powders have a density far below 1t per cubic meter

MDF panels (medium-density fibreboards): especially for surface claddings, furniture, artworks and decorative finishes. Pistachio shell powder is a sustainable alternative to wood and adds a new look to engineered objects

paints, resins, glues and inks, also for nature-inspired 3D printing of biomaterials, medical parts such as implants, auto parts, shipbuilding and aviation components, stationary and ceramic objects

As a reliable manufacturer and supplier BioPowder offers high grade fruit stone powders and bio-based abrasives without any chemical substances. Sustainability is our core value and we are proud to maintain our excellent product quality and services.

Take advantage of our direct sale benefits and international transportation to all EU countries (like France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, UK etc.) as well as worldwide. Contact us now!

برچسب ها pistachio shell ,
بازدید : 44
سه شنبه 11 مرداد 1401 زمان : 11:15

What would you do with thousands of tons of leftover nutshells? It's a question that Turkey — the world's third-biggest producer of pistachios, behind Iran and the United States — has been asking itself for years. pistachio shell

Usually discarded pistachio shells end up in landfills, but nut-loving Turks think they've found a far better solution by turning it into biogas, an alternative fuel produced by the breakdown of organic matter.

Now Turkey wants to use pistachio shells to power its first eco-city, which will require fermenting tons of the green waste in so-called digesters, and then using the resulting gases — mostly methane — to generate heat.

A rendering of Turkey's first "eco-city," will be founded between Gaziantep and Kilis province on Turkey's border with Syria in the country's southern Gaziantep region.

Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

The idea is not as odd as it sounds. For starters, the green city will be built in what's arguably the best possible location: Gaziantep Province. This southern region near the Syrian border is the heart of Turkey's pistachio production, yielding more than half of the country's nuts.

"When you plan such environment-friendly systems, you take a look at the natural resources you have. So we thought the ecological city could be heated by burning pistachio shells," explains Seda Muftuoglu Gulec, the municipality's expert on green architecture. "If the region was abundant in wind power, we would use wind energy."

This peculiar source of energy is renewable and cheap because Turkey has plenty of shells to go around, so much so that it exported 6,800 tons of pistachios last year — 500 tons shy of the weight of the Eiffel Tower — according to the Southeast Anatolia Exporters Union.

Experts say turning pistachios into biogas, while untested, is not only technically feasible but also extremely convenient. Burgeap, the French environmental engineering company that first proposed the idea to the government, claims that nutshells are the most efficient source of alternative energy in the region and could satisfy up to 60 percent of the city's heating needs.

The planned 7,900-acre, nut-fueled city will be six miles from the province's capital city, Gaziantep, and is expected to become home to 200,000 people.

This is Turkey's first attempt at building an eco-city, and it will be the only one in the world that's heated by pistachios — although in Australia macadamia nutshells are already being turned into biomass. Meanwhile, in Monterrey, Mexico, the methane generated from decaying garbage is being converted into electricity to illuminate city lights.

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Green cities being built in other countries are based on other renewable sources. In China, for example, Tianjin Eco-city will be finished by 2020, with most of its energy coming from solar panels. In India, Narendra Modi wants to build Dholera, a "smart city" twice the size of Mumbai that would be powered by various renewable energies, including wind. But skeptics doubt these idealistic projects will ever be fully realized, insisting that the plans are too expensive and detached from local reality.

For now, Gaziantep's municipality is waiting for the results of exhaustive feasibility reports. Gulec says it's too soon to estimate how much it will cost, but if the project gets greenlighted, construction of the new city will start in the next two years.

A pilot scheme will start with a 135-acre piece of land and, if successful, expand into an entire city during the next following two decades. If the project bears fruit, it might inspire other agricultural regions to look at how to convert what they typically consider waste into fuel for the future.

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